Bath City Football Club

15 GoodGymers have supported Bath City Football Club with 2 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BathGroup run
Liam BaxterSam Ollason

Slotted in the back of the netterbox!

Tuesday 26th November 2019

Written by Sam Ollason

3 GoodGym runners put on their running shoes and delivered flyers around Oldfield Park. The flyers were advertising football matches that Bath City FC are playing over the Christmas period. We were tired and worn out after a deceptively hill run, but really pleased with what we had achieved!

Bath City FC is a community-owned club and their Christmas games are a great way of getting people together over the Christmas period. We have partnered with them before for tasks and it was great to work with them again last night.

The route we took meant we ran over 5km in total. We started in Lower Oldfield park, moved through parallel to Moorland Road and into the edge of Twerton. We finished flyering down Maybrick Road just as it finished raining. Perfect timing!

Overall it was a successful evening. Despite there only being 3 of us we delivered over 500 flyers! It was a great team effort for a cold Tuesday evening!


Thanks to Bath City FC for giving us the chance to get some great exercise and thanks to Emily for awesome pun this week!

Upcoming runs:

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BathGroup run
Cassie PratleyAllie FisherSandyEmma H
Sam Ollason

Flyer my pretties!!

Tuesday 30th October 2018

Written by Sam Ollason

On a chilly October night, 14 runners ran around the Oldfield Park area and delivered flyers for Bath City Football Club. We delivered over 300 flyers and ran over 6km while doing so!

Welcome Jane and Liat!

We met inside the main reception entrance at the Leisure Centre today as it was quite cold outside. It was good to see so many people wearing reflective clothing and wrapped up appropriately for the cold weather. We welcomed two new runners, Jane and Liat, to the group for their first run.

After a quick warm-up to get our muscles ready we ran through the centre of Bath and through Green Park station to Oldfield Park.

Dart-n’t mind if I do!

The flyers were for a Darts event being held on the 9th November. This will be a great way to get people from the community together.

We posted flyers around Dorset Street and Brook Road and then ran along Moorland Road to flyer to houses along Herbert Road and King Edward Road. Because of how speedy we were, we finished with time to spare so challenged ourselves by running up the hill to Bear Flat and then down The Hollow back to the Leisure Centre.

Thanks to Emily for offering to back mark the whole way round last night and thanks to Emma for the Halloween inspired pun this week!

Community Mission

We have a Community Mission this coming Saturday (3rd November) in Combe Down where we will be making outdoor furniture for a sheltered housing space. We will be meeting at the task. More details and sign-up here.


If you are Mission Verified then we have 2 Missions this Sunday (4th November). We already have a few runners signed up and it would be great if more people could come and help out! Please find more information about how to sign up here.

If you want to become Mission Verified so you can take part in future Missions then please follow this link here

Social Media

Please like/follow us on social media and share/retweet our content! We are on Facebook and Twitter.

Organisations are already getting in contact with us through these platforms and this means we are securing more varied tasks for you to enjoy!

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