Bonney Rd Community Allotments

General tidying
General maintenance to prepare the allotments for the new season

13 GoodGymers have supported Bonney Rd Community Allotments with 2 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
LeicesterGroup run
Lee MelbourneLindsay FungJimmy MitchinsonStu CoeMichaelaJeanette Douglas

The beds are looking bonney up at the allotment

Tuesday 13th March 2018

Written by David Snutch

For once the traffic gods played nicely and we had a full compliment of signed up runners by ten minutes to six.

It was great to see Jodie back with us, a late decision to sign up but always a bonus when we get more runners than expected.

And wasnt it great to be able to set off along the canal again - daylight to start, yipee! Jim led the run, trying very hard to keep Stu from running off too quick - When you consider Stu side by side with his namesake Sebastian, on the one side you have a true running legend, respected by all and an inspiration for us all to follow, and on the other side you have Sebastian Coe!!!

I started off at the tail with Lindsay.

What I noticed tonight was lots of interaction, people chatting to different people at different points - just what GoodGym is meant to be about.

So we arrived at the allotment and Liam was there to meet us - when he emerged from his campervan that is.

We concluded that he was a bit wary of us at first but the clincher was when Lee told him that he has his own allotment.... "Ah so we have someone that knows what they are doing" said Liam.

The group split into three teams...

Team top plot... Jen and Rachel alternating between a spade a shovel and some lethal bit of kit that would not look out of place over the shoulder of the grim reaper. The job was to turn over the soil and make it ready for planting.

Team tree three... Lee, Frank and Lindsay replanting the fruit trees that we had dug up at the old plot a few weeks back. I have to say they made a great job.

Team weed... Jodie, Michaela, Jim and Stu clearing the beds of weeds and roots before turning the soil and taking the spoils to the compost heap.

We have heard this comment once or twice before but Liam was heard to say "I am amazed at how much you have managed to get done" - I got the impression he has high standards and is not easily pleased but I think at the end he was genuinely humbled by our efforts. He told Lindsay and I during the evening that the allotment gets used by Older Folk from Age UK and some people with learning difficulties. Again, this is what GoodGym is all about. "Thanks folks that would have taken me about a week" was Liams parting shot.

The run back was really pleasant as it was all downhill. For the fitness session I ran through a 10 minute all body workout which I will share on the FB page but just a recap. Reverse Lunges, Split Squats, Push Ups, Hip Bridges, Leg Kick Backs (from the kneeling position) then 30 seconds of stair climbers - repeat as many times as you can in ten minutes.

With the mercury just starting to head towards chilly, some quick stretches then home - we get to do it all again next week.

Top run, top task and top company - well done all

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LeicesterGroup run
Ben DicksonJimmy Mitchinson
David Snutch

The lunatics are in the dark

Tuesday 30th January 2018

Written by David Snutch

After a 2 mile jog interspersed with double back sprints we arrived at the Bonney Rd Allotments in complete darkness.

We met up with our taskmaster Liam and were led deep into the heart of the allotment into even more darkness.

There were some heavy slabs to dig up and load into a trailer, a shed to empty and its contents moved to a polytunnel for storage, and some trees to be pulled up. Headtorches on, the group set to. Lindsay, Katy Michaela and Rachel showed us all that these girls can with some serious strongarm stuff - Stu acted as chief trailer loader as the ladies dug out, levered up, barrowed and rocked the old slabs across to the trailer to be taken..... who knows where?

The team of Tree, Jen, Jim and Nic disappeared off further down the plot - all we could hear was the talk of lunatics and taproots - not really sure what Liam was on about but they made short work of digging up a line of trees then emptying the shed.

Time flew by and most people seemed to forget about the fact it was a cold dark January night.

I think Liam thought we could stay till midnight! - I am sure I told him we could only do half an hour but I will check to see why he thought we would be there longer. Notwithstanding we had pretty much filled the trailer with slabs and the shed was empty.

And then we were asked the impossible - "lets lift the shed and put it on top of the trailer" - err No! - Had to pull the plug on that one on health and safety grounds. All of us, in the light, over flat ground...maybe, but four of us in the dark over a minefield of uneven soil littered with old bricks and other obstacles - dont think so.

Despite the confusion over timing Liam was very grateful for us giving his new plot a head start and has invited us back for more as soon as we are able.

The run back revealed that we have some very capable sprinters in our midst - you know who you are Katy, Lindsay and Stu! The uphill jog backs to Mel who was at the tail seemed to work really well - it was very important to keep the group together on such a dark route and this seemed a neat solution to the problem of doing so with a wide pace range group.

Well done all - hard work on task and on the run which is exactly how it should be.

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