Foxwood Residents Association

102 GoodGymers have supported Foxwood Residents Association with 23 tasks.

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Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Michal CzekajloNicola Gover

Hay today, gone tomorrow

Friday 29th September 2023

Written by York runner

Five fabulous Good Gymers cycled to the meadow where, bathed in sunshine, they raked and barrowed and chewed the cud. Leaving the meadow looking very similar to its appearance on arrival! However, hidden in the trees were many mounds of hay. Afterwards a short cycle to Tay's recommended cafe where scrumptious goodies were sampled in the sunshine. Nikki squeezed two Twix millionaire's shortbreads into her pocket - Richard's a lucky man! All together a marvellous morning out.

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YorkCommunity mission
LeanneVicky Hearson
MitchMichal CzekajloTamar Goudie (Tay)

Moss Kemp(t)

Saturday 3rd September 2022

Written by Leanne (she/her)

Six GG Yorkies made their way to help the Foxwood Residents Association with some moss removal in two courtyards. Moss was making the courtyards dangerous for residents to walk on and use in wet weather.

When we arrived, the residents were in full swing using hoes to scrape away the moss on one of the courts. 3 of us joined them in helping to sweep and bag it up while the remaining crew took some of the tools to a second court to do more of the same.

Within half an hour the courtyards were looking much tidier, and we headed off to a local cafe for a well-deserved lunch.

Pun credit: Tay

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YorkCommunity mission
Michal CzekajloTamar Goudie (Tay)Vicky Hearson
Debs SharpeMichael LeadbetterMitch

The Fox

Tuesday 5th April 2022

Written by Michal Czekajlo

Seven GoodGymers assembled at the Foxwood Community Centre to deliver The Fox newsletter.

We saw no foxes...

They were probably scared by the omnipresent dogs which were welcoming us with a bark or two while the newsletter was being dropped through the door.

No bites, or scratches were recorded and no plastic bottles were thrown at us today, so a successful mission overall.

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YorkCommunity mission
LeanneTamar Goudie (Tay)Laura BarrettVicky Hearson

Mission Im-moss-ible

Saturday 5th March 2022

Written by Leanne (she/her)

4 GG Yorkies met to help Foxwood Residents association clear one of their courtyards of moss.

The moss was so thick it looked like grass from a distance. This made it extremely satisfying to scrape up.

Bagging up took considerably longer than scraping. Within an hour, it was all looking much better, and more importantly, safer for residents to walk on.

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YorkCommunity mission
Vicky HearsonMitch
Nicola Gover

Brick planter

Thursday 10th February 2022

Written by Michal Czekajlo

On a cold Thursday evening 8 GG Yorkies visited Foxwood to help local volunteers tidy up a massive planter.

Members of the Residents Association explained the task to us - remove any litter, dried out vegetation and weeds from the planter. Without further delay we quickly stuck in. Few minutes into the task we were joined by local PCSO's who were promptly instructed on what to do by Ed. Shortly after we were joined by a group of teenage boys who came to see what we were up to. PCSO's engaged in a chat with them leaving bulk of the task to us.

A bicycle tyre, few bricks and what looked like a part of syringe were amongst our finds. Luckily Police Officers had a plastic tube, which they use to put knifes away, that they used to stow the sharp.

After 45 minutes of weeding and sweeping around the planter we produced a number of bags full of green waste and litter.

With the group photo taken we walked to the community centre to drop the tools and then ran, walked, or cycled back home.

Our task was part of a larger multi-agency campaign aiming to alleviate ASB in the area, provide positive presence and reassurance for local residents that the area is looked after. I think that our involvement definitelly had a positive impact and the planter itself looks a lot better in a daylight.

Thank you All for taking part and see you soon!

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YorkCommunity mission
Laura Barrett
Tamar Goudie (Tay)
Steve Rice

Raking Hay while the Headtorch Shines

Thursday 7th October 2021

Written by Laura Barrett

Despite the date for the task only having been set 2 days ago we had 5 keen GoodGymers raking up the hay in the wildflower meadow at Foxwood Park this evening. We started in the light but were soon reliant on our headtorches to try and find the cut grass. When we first saw the area to be raked it seemed quite an undertaking but by the end of the hour we'd got to the far end of the wildflower area which was the priority. Some of us had been involved in digging the area for this a couple of years ago so it was good to hear it had been successful.

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