Friends of Parkwood Springs

Our country park in the city
Parkwood Springs is an amazing natural 'wild' space close to the centre of the city of Sheffield. There is woodland and heath, open parkland, and a range of natural habitats where wild lupins bloom, kestrels hover, and deer have been seen again. There are spectacular views over the city centre, the suburbs and the distant moors of the Peak District.

15 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Parkwood Springs with 27 tasks.

Top supporters
Celine (she/her or they/them)
Sheffield runner
Rachel (she/her)

Previous sessions
SheffieldCommunity mission
Caroline Thomas

Parkwood springs planting

Saturday 13th April

Written by Sheffield runner

We joined Friends of Parkwood Springs in their monthly community volunteer day in the Forest Garden. Spring had really sprung. Gooseberries, goji berries, wild garlic, violets and fig trees were all planted. Bind weed was weeded out and a crowded plum tree was pruned. Cups of tea and lots of expert advice from Tim. Lovely morning!

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SheffieldCommunity mission
RachelCaroline Thomas

Parkwood Springs Forest Garden Feb 2024

Saturday 10th February

Written by Rachel (she/her)

Two GGers, Caroline and Rachel headed up once again to the lovely forest garden at Parkwood Springs.

I'm always amazed at how much I can learn with Goodgym. We learnt:

  • the differences between male and female Seabuckthorn and that many people make the mistake of buying just the female, but then don't get fruit if there's no male nearby
  • Filbert is similar to Hazel. It has catkins (the male part), and tiny flowers that look like a sea anemone (the female plant) on the same branch. Because they had both they're hoping to get some nuts (although the squirrels will probably get them all!)
  • the intricacies of pruning blackcurrant bushes
  • the gossip about the new Parkrun starting up
  • much more besides!

Lovely spot, lovely people, lovely snacks! We'll be back again soon

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SheffieldCommunity mission

Parkwood springs in the winter sunshine

Saturday 13th January

Written by Celine (she/her or they/them)

Two goodgymers joined the dedicated Friends of Parkwood Springs in the permaculture garden to prune the fruit trees and blackcurrant bushes.

We should see the “fruit” of our labour this summer!

It’s not all hard work though as we always break for hot drinks and homemade bakes; this time we were serenaded by 2 robins establishing their territory with bird song.

What a gorgeous place!

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SheffieldCommunity mission

Summer gardening

Saturday 12th August 2023

Written by Celine (she/her or they/them)

One Goodgymer joined Friends of Parkwood springs on a glorious summer's day to prune apple trees and weed the permaculture garden. The recent rains and sunshine had really got everything growing at a fast pace! It wasn't all work though as we could sample the sea buckthorn berries, the hemerocallis flowers, the blackberries and raspberries! We will be back in September to see how the mushroom bed that had been inoculated earlier this year will be getting on!

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SheffieldCommunity mission

Never tyring of litter picking

Saturday 16th April 2022

Written by Sheffield runner

This bright sunny morning 12 of us, including 3 Goodgymners got to work to make Parkwood Springs woodlands cleaner and more inviting.
Much litter and fly tipping was brought down the hill including 2 cars worth of old tyres, an old dog bed and a pram.

As well as enjoying the bluebells in bloom Mighty Max bought some lovely Easter eggs for us to share enjoy post litter pick :)

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SheffieldCommunity mission
MaxCelineJames Smith

Just the thicket

Saturday 12th March 2022

Written by Max

3 GGers went to Parkwood Springs to help cleaning the area for creating a hibernaculum while others were building the new compost bins. We sawed or pruned branches, piled them together and put turfs on it. Hopefully, it will be a new home for some animals. Thanks for James contributed the title pun.

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