Heeley Green Veg

Community vegetable garden in the centre of Heeley
We help local people grow vegetables on the site. We run gardening sessions on Tuesday evenings in the summer.

33 GoodGymers have supported Heeley Green Veg with 3 tasks.

Top supporters
Sheffield runner
Sheffield runner
Celine (she/her or they/them)

Previous sessions
SheffieldGroup run
Tuấn PhanAnnie Anthony MaysYvette LavelleBecca WNga Truong

Hilly Heeley Happy Helpers

Monday 29th May 2023

Written by Tom Mutton

It was fantastic to have Hannah back along this week, who was running in great form and letting us know about her new job, which sounds great.

Hannah, Tom and Rachel headed off from The Showroom and took on the huge hill of Alexandra Road all the way from the bottom to the top to meet the rest of the clan at Heeley Green Veg where we met the superstar Fran who had tools all laid out and good to go! This allowed us to get straight to work for her doing the following:

  • Compost bin filling
  • Weeding
  • Litter Picking
  • Compost corner sorting
  • Tieing back

The space is looking absolutely fantastic now that spring has sprung with all kinds of colorful plants in flower, with bees doing their thing and looking great for all people passing by.

Find of the night had to go to Bec who found a huge fancy ring. As we finished up and helped get tools back into Fran's car, she proposed that we should come back again soon to which we definitely hope to!

Until next time, happy running! :)

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SheffieldGroup run
Becca W
Rachel Macrorie

Green with envy for this fantastic community garden in Heeley

Monday 27th February 2023

Written by Tom Mutton

On a dark and drizzly Monday eve a group of hardy and committed GG members met at The Showroom Cinema and ran to meet other member of the GG SHF family at a beautiful little community garden in Heeley to help local residents and volunteers improve this community space for other local residents and passers by.

The route to the task was unavoidably hilly, especially towards the end. But where there is hardship, there is also learning opportunities. We took this opportunity to work on our backward arm drive to propel us forward and up the hill with the mantra in our minds of;

Lips to hips, lips to hips, lips to hips

This helps us to have a full backward arm drive, keeping our elbows in and using our arms to help our legs and lungs!

Before we knew it we had topped out and met FANTASTIC FRAN and friends who had all tools readily laid out for us and gave us the brief on the evenings task which involved:

  • Weeding
  • Cutting back
  • Planting
  • Litter picking

The space was already looking better than last time we visited with murals from local artists in place and much more plants being established and growing through. It's so great to see spaces like these being cared for and looked after by the local community and we were proud to be able to play a small part in it's continued growth and evolution. We hope to be back again soon!

Happy running :)

Read more
SheffieldGroup run
CelineCatHelen AlfordHannah McCormackStephen GilmerTom Mutton

Red Thunder Goes Green for Heeley Green Veg

Monday 17th February 2020

Written by Tom Mutton

It was a night of celebration with 2 fantastic runners reaching GG Milestones. A HUGE congrats to;

AMAZING ANNIE for reaching 50 good deeds!

SENSATIONAL CELINE for reaching 100 good deeds!

We also welcomed 2 new GG runners, please click on their names below to support and cheer them!



We timed our departure to perfection, avoiding the rain and headed off to Hilly Heeley to meet with Heeley Green Veg; a community of neighbors looking to take stewardship of a local patch of land to teach the local community about growing fruit and veg and bring the community together to encourage socialising and reduce isolation.

With limited tools we split into 2 groups with half on the task of weeding and soil moving and half with me taking on some hill reps. We did 3 hill reps in total at 70% effort and recovered on the way back. On the final set we stopped at the top of the hill and also used a stair set to get some fast feet practice in.

After kicking of the clay mud and hearing some heartfelt thanks from the Heeley Green Veg massive we headed back for home with some loop backs and optional extensions thrown in, stretched off, heard the latest news and upcoming events and headed in for a fantastic tray bake provide by Caroline. Thanks Caroline!

Until next week, happy running! :)

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