Jesmond Community Orchard

20 GoodGymers have supported Jesmond Community Orchard with 2 tasks.

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NewcastleCommunity mission
Joanne Levey
Dan LawsAimeeHollyMaddy Winnard

An apple a day keeps covid away*

Sunday 9th August 2020

Written by Maddy Winnard

After four months of stewing in lockdown, nine GoodGymers made a return for a slice of the berry fun pie that is Jesmond Community Orchard! We welcomed Joanne for her first GG task, as she joined Aimee, Dan,Eleanor, Holly, Katie, Louise, Sam Thomas and me to get going on the activities set by task owner Fiona.

Sam and Tom got busy constructing a new container for the leafmould out of wire and Katie was in charge of "renovating" the bug hotel (which is now more than 5*), whilst Joanne sorted out the raised beds and weeded along with Eleanor. Dan and Louise weeded the cordons, Aimee and Holly planted the strawberry beds and I made an attempt at weaving the willow bower.

We had a break for Orchard-grown plums and a very appleing homemade fruit cake as we surveyed the fruits of our labour. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon task and we willow-nly happily return!

Shortly after, Eleanor, Tom and I headed over to the Town Moor to meet Anji and Charlotte for a fitness task. Led by Anji, we did some warm exercises, followed by a 3k fartlek. We kept up a good momentum as we were chased by Anji on her bike, who was followed shortly by a looming head-height blackcurrant plant that she had for some reason chosen to bring with her - peach to their own! (it was very much ap-peach-iated ;))

*Said Donald Trump once

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NewcastleCommunity mission
Sam GittingsAmy BrewAndy Graham
Removed UserMaddy Winnard

Ap-pleasant task in the orchard

Sunday 22nd September 2019

Written by Maddy Winnard

After 90% of us got lost in the neighbouring cemetry, a record 16 GoodGymers rocked up to lend a hand at the beautiful Jesmond Community Orchard. We welcomed Holly for her first good deed!

After being given a brief tour of the orchard by head volunteer Fiona, Louise, Sam, Rachel, Andrew, Andy², Debbie and Bronte the dog got busy with weeding, as did Paul after handing out some much needed snacks, Tom and Dan mowed the lawn, Amy pruned the willow, Aimee and Holly planted some strawberries, Miranda and I planted some wallflowers and Charlotte got busy photographing.

We had a quick well-deserved PIP stop for tea and home-grown apples.

The orchard are having their annual "Apple Day" on the 12th October where you can make your own apple juice so feel free to pop along!

We all remarked that we couldn't believe we'd never known about this peaceful orchard just round the corner from us! It was a DEAD fun task - we all agreed we'd very apple-y return!

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