Leicester Environmental Services - Bede Park

One of our adopted pieces of public green space
Maintain the areas. pick litter, clean the pond, keep the paths clear, paint the fences, plant some bulbs ect.

29 GoodGymers have supported Leicester Environmental Services - Bede Park with 8 tasks.

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Previous sessions
LeicesterCommunity mission
Lynn RandallNick PrykeAshley JacksonSamir Modawi

Litter Under my Umberella, Ella , Ella !

Tuesday 10th September

Written by Leicester runner

The famous six met up for a litter pick at Bede Park last night. It had rained all day but as soon as the litter pickers arrived at the task the sun shone !

Ashley was well prepared with her lovely umbrella hat which obviously kept the rain at bay .

Lovely to meet our new Goodgym member Samir . The 6 collected 5 bags of litter , including Nick finding a plastic bone which we think could belong to Richard the third or may the forth !

Well done everyone!

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LeicesterGroup run
Jimmy MitchinsonStu CoeSamir ModawiNick Pryke

Cleanimg up at the Castle Gardens

Friday 30th August

Written by Nick Pryke

Four Goodgymmers met to litter pick the Castle Gardens. This was Samir's first event, welcome Samir. This is a tidy, well kept site. But we soon found plenty of cans, bottles, vapes and the usual rubbish amongst the undergrowth along the paths Stu found a stash of new, sealed, water bottles spread around in the bushes. Then a bottle of Radox shower gel. Then a bath sponge and a pair of shoes. We think Stu found the bathroom. We then went up many steps to the mound where the original wooden castle stood 1,000 years ago. Plenty of cans in the bushes here plus a bag of ants. It was soon midday and we piled the bags by a bin for the photo and walked back along the canal to our meeting place.

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LeicesterGroup run
Jimmy Mitchinson
Katy YoungRemoved User

Its in the bag!

Tuesday 2nd October 2018

Written by Leicester runner

Getting very Autumnal now for our Goodgym tasks but this didn't deter 13 runners turning up tonight .Dave warmed the runners up before leading them for a 3km run. Mel met the runners by the canal path ready with litter pickers and bin bags. The group split into two smaller groups , group one headed off along the canal path and the other group tackled the litter on Bede Park. - Jen leading the former and Nicola the latter.

It was great to see our newest members Sharon and Irene back for more

After 30 mins the groups met up with 10 heavy bags of litter.Stus bag was the heaviest with bottles, and cans in abundance. By this time the light was fading but this did not stop the enthusiastic group having a great workout on the outdoor equipment. Refreshments were well received and the cool down and stretch completed.The group had a jog back to base and were bid a farewell until next week.

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LeicesterGroup run
Stu CoeNicola MiramsJimmy Mitchinson
David Snutch

Lights Camera Action - the Litter is in the can and thats a wrap

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Written by Leicester runner

Well folks, an exciting night for GoodGym as the BBC Television crew were shadowing the session and litter picking task. Dave led a short warm up and welcomed new runner Bex. It was also great to have Leigh, Lee and Louise back with the gang after a time away. Lindsay led the group on a 1.5 mile jog along the river with Jimmy as the back marker. When the group arrived at Bede Park, Mel, Lee and Louise had prepared the litter pickers and bin bags for us. With the presence of the camera crew we had attracted attention from the locals who were on the park. One chap asked if he could help and was soon at work looking for litter, on his departure he shook hands with Dave and said we were doing a good job. The BBC filmed the litter picking task and followed the GG runners around the park. Nic, Frank, Jim and Dave were then interviewed about the benefits of GG, the tasks and their involvement. After light refreshments the fitness task consisted of circuits - hops, flying 20s tree sits and use of the outdoor gym. Find of the night was an NHS issue childs crutch which we shall duly return to the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Finally the jog back to DMU for the cool down,again filmed by the crew. Keep a lookout on the Leicester GG facebook page for details of the broadcast time and date! Thanks all for a great turnout tonight.

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LeicesterGroup run
Jimmy Mitchinson
Elaine O'ConnorJeanette DouglasNicola MiramsLindsay Fung

Too Hot To Trot! But look at all the litter we got!!

Tuesday 7th August 2018

Written by Lindsay Fung

Wowzers tonight was a scorcher. I think we were all feeling the heat tonight, and that was even before we started! Thankfully we had a short "hop, skip and a jump" to our favourite litter ridden Bede Park. I think even if the council doubled the amount of bins there it would still be the same amount of rubbish left behind by the many users of this popular park. Someone thanked us again which was nice. We were so busy litter picking, and because we hadn't taken long to get there, we extended our "task" by an extra 15 minutes as no one wanted to leave any litter behind. I must admit I lost count of how many bags we filled. It must have been at least 10! Lets hope the council don't mind picking them all up! hehe. Well done everyone, you're the best!! The fantastic outdoor gym equipment was put to good use again. But i'm afraid my idea of running round the park fell on deaf ears. And who can blame you, it was 29 degrees! Have a good time next week. I'll be in The Lake District in the rain no doubt. See you in two weeks. Lindsay

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LeicesterGroup run
Lindsay FungLuskStu CoeBen DicksonDavid Snutch

Good golly! Stu found a brolley, Mel brought a trolley and everyone got a lolly

Tuesday 17th July 2018

Written by David Snutch

Black clouds loomed large but still the rain never came!

We welcomed first timer Tilley to our ranks. A bit down on numbers tonight due to holidays but no shortage of effort and determination.

The task was a last minute re arrange after we were just too quick with last week. Given the heat wave it was a short gentle jog up the great central way, across to the King Power then back by the river/canal to the meeting point where Mel with her trusty trolley full of bags and litter pickers tooled us all up.

Tilley and Stu went upstream with Mel and Dave, Frank Nic and Lindsay went downstream - instructions to meet up in 20 minutes. Pickings were rich! The litterbugs had been at play and after just a short time the bags were jingling and clunking with bottles and cans, not to mention a discarded umbrella retrieved by Stu.

The team were keen to do some work on Bede Park also so it was there we went after our stint on the canal. Once again, rich pickings. Surprising really as there is a bin every twenty metres or so but no, people clearly arent prepared to walk that far if they can just leave it on the ground.

The planned fitness session on the outdoor gym went out of the window when Dave spied some trees and a bench. So, an urban session it was. Wall sits, press up s, step ups and then a warm down jog to Tesco where the team was treated to a well earned lolly.

No running while lollies are being eaten, its the law! so a stroll it was back to base for some stretches and news.

Imminently we are to be filmed for BBC East Midlands Today, maybe next week, maybe the one after, more news after my phone call on Thursday.

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