Leicester Mahajan Trust

General tidying

The objects of the CIO are shall generally be for the benefit of the Lohana Community in Leicestershire and the benefit of the public in such ways that are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales in the United Kingdom and worldwide and in particular through:

The advancement of the Hindu Religion for the benefit of the public. Advancement of the education of the Public in Hindu traditions, history, language, literature and music. The relief of poverty or financial hardship in Leicestershire by providing: food, items and services to individuals in need. The provision of assistance to and relief of those so qualified who are in need by reason of age, infirmity, sickness and economic social circumstances

20 GoodGymers have supported Leicester Mahajan Trust with 5 tasks.

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LeicesterGroup run
Stu Coe

Waiting walking windows and a wheely good time

Tuesday 6th November 2018

Written by David Snutch

A little thin on the ground this evening due to some late unexpected no shows and the unavailability of some regulars but never mind - the show always goes on.

7 of us set off for the 3k jog down to Belgrave and our target task - the windows of the Lohana Centre.

I think there had been a breakdown in communication at the task site because they certainly hadnt put out any equipment for us but fortunately Mel and I had seen fit to go and buy some proper window cleaner before hand - past experience had proved the stuff supplied before just did not really work.

We let ourselves in, sorted ourselves out, I think we were appreciated. Big celebrations for Diwali tomorrow, the festival of light! Well there will be plenty of light coming in through those windows now that we have dealt with them.

After the task, a power walk along the narrow terraces of old Belgrave. On our left the site of one of Leicesters largest employers - the British United Show Machinery Co, now just a car park, industrial units and a few shops. At 4.30 every day when I was a kid growing up nearby 5000 workers would pile out of that site on foot on bikes and a few in cars - enough of this nostalgia!

As we passed by the doorfronts Mel explained to Frank and others the significance of the Rangoli patterns adorning the thresholds - each pattern representing a prayer that guests bring in as they cross the door.

Our walk ended at the Leicesters Wheel of Light, especially commissioned for the Diwali celebrations and later it will be moved to Jubilee Square for the English Christmas.

After a bit of bartering dodgy Dave had negotiated a group deal and we joined the queue for a spin and a chance to see the Diwali lights from the air.

"Something I have always wanted to do " said Frank. "I was planning on having a go on this at some point but I thought I might need a drink or two first for courage" said Jen "My James will never believe it when I tell him I have been on this"

It is usually freezing cold at 100 feet in November but the weather gods had provided a mild night so we cold enjoy the spectacle in relative comfort. No one screamed, no one barfed, no one passed out and most important of all no one fell out!!! - fair grounds to say in a roundabout way that the night had its ups and downs but this circle of friends had a wheely good time.

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LeicesterGroup run
Jimmy MitchinsonMark HardyStu CoeLindsay FungDavid Snutch

Sparkle, smears and sillohettes

Tuesday 21st August 2018

Written by Leicester runner

It was a lovely late summers evening for tonights run and task.

8 runners left the DMU for a leisurely run along the canal paths to The Lohana Center. Lindsay led the group at a fair old pace, obviously getting ready for her Great North Run.

A source of amusement en route was watching a lady ,under her husbands guidance, try to steer a long boat through a lock gate, which was only half open! On her completion , in true GG style we gave her a round of applause.

On our arrival at The Lohana Center we were greeted by Nilesh who showed us to the room where the windows needed cleaning. A task we have performed in the past so it didn't take long for the GG runners to set to work.

Armed with cloths we did our best to bring a sparkle and shine to the windows.The lighting wasn't too good so the pictures are mainly silhouettes!

A break for some well earned light refreshments and we were off to Abbey Park for a short hill session, up hill effort and downhill recovery then reversed.

We would like to wish our GG buddy Lee Melbourne a speedy recovery.

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LeicesterGroup run
LuskJimmy MitchinsonLindsay FungElaine O'ConnorNicola Mirams

A touch of glass!

Tuesday 29th May 2018

Written by David Snutch

The Lohana centre was the venue tonight for 10 GoodGym regulars to go down and give the windows another cleaning.

Original plan was to do the outside as well, which we did to an extent but the ledges were a bit unsafe and we only had one long reach sponge which Nicola magicked up from somewhere!

It was a steady jog alomg the Grand Union and down into Belgrave with a speedy group of Jim, Lindsay Stu and Elaine leading the way.

Frank and Nicola seemed to be having a good chat in the middle and I brought up the tail with Ben.

We arrived on time at the Lohana - our task owner Nilesh was only able to stick around for a short time (he had been there all day apparently) and we seemed to have plenty of cloths but only one bottle of cleaner. A quick word with the caretaker and more appeared. The group set to.

As it turned out the windows were still pretty clean from last time so people busied themselves with other tidying tasks. Lee had joined us direct at site due to a knee injury and he and Ben did some sweeping. Mel as ever was on hand to take photos.

As the task dried up it was on to the main event of the night! - no not the fitness task, the ice creams!!!

We did do a fitness task - its the law, we must do something to get the heartrate up - so it was 4 x 60 secs fast running with equal rest breaks. Frank took on the mantle of timekeeper usually calling time when his body said it was time rather than his watch - ha ha - much to the delight of the group. Notwithstanding, the group did 4 reps then another for luck.

By this time we were nearly back so we made a small diversion to the nearest purveyor of Ice Cream. Based on an idea floated by Nicola I promised an ice cream to anyone who worked hard tonight and as ever that was everyone.

The group were very kind - advising me, the worlds worst shopper, how to save money by buying the multipacks. I just wanted to be sure everyone had what they wanted but as it turned out the Tesco's own "Magnums" and "Cornettos" were just the ticket.

We had a leisurely walk back to base cooling down our muscles with the walk and our tongues with the ice cream - some wag mentioned cake for next week!!!

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LeicesterGroup run
MichaelaJeanette Douglas
Jimmy MitchinsonDavid Snutch

No sitting down on the job for this bunch of scrubbers

Tuesday 6th March 2018

Written by David Snutch

Tonight was our second visit to the Lohana Centre in Belgrave. We noticed last time we went that the conference room chairs looked like they could do with a clean so we suggested this to our contact Nilesh as a future group run task.

A huge vote of thanks goes to Jeanette who has spent a fair bit of time since trialling some cleaning techniques so we could maximise our impact on the night. We plumped for Vax carpet cleaning fluid and with some degree of precision Jen had worked out that with a dozen of us we ought to be able to clean 50-60 chairs,

We phoned ahead and asked for some buckets of hot water and for the chairs to be moved to a separate area where they would not be used for a couple of days after the clean. Sure enough, on arrival the caretakers were already sorting out stacks of the dirtiest chairs for our attention.

One of the most welcome things of the night was that it was light enough to run to Belgrave via the canal, and what a difference a week makes, from the icy blasts of last week, tonight felt almost mild.

This task was a trainers dream. Gentle scenic run to the task, a welcoming taskmaster fully prepared and expectant of our visit, a willing task force member demonstrating and supervising the task, on site fitness facilities in the form of exclusive use of the Gym and to cap it all the Lohana hospitality to say thank you for our efforts.

Its one of those tasks where I finish up wishing we had more time because everything we do there seems to be great fun.

We await the results of the chair cleaning to see if they all dry out ok with a noticeable difference to the cleanliness - if so we will organize to go back to tackle the other 2000!!!!

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LeicesterGroup run
Lindsay FungMichaela
David SnutchLee Melbourne

Come on you lot lift that knee, wall sit, tuck jump 123, biscuits sweets and Indian Tea - when we're cleaning windows!

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Written by David Snutch

My lifelong friend Nilesh Kotecha at the Lohana Centre pulled out all he stops to make this a memorable night,

Not only did he give us a meaningful and rewarding task where we could make a real difference, not only did he give us exclusive use of a sports hall for the fitness task and not only did he book us at least quarterly in the future but also at the conclusion of our visit we were spoilt rotten with sweets, biscuits, chocolates and Indian tea.

We welcomed Elaine to her first group run and great to hear that she has New Year resolved to join us at least once a month. Mel joined us en route and as ever acted as group snapper to record the occasion on film, and Jen and Lee made their own way and were already chatting with Nilesh when the rest of us arrived.

We were shown to a magnificent function hall where we set to with our task - cleaning windows.

And here begins the little ditty that I have been humming away to ever since Nilesh told me what he wanted us to do.

Based on an original tune by the late George Formby these words are best sung to Georges famous song "when I'm cleaning windows"

Now we’ve been cleaning windows Our GoodGym group run task We’ll come and do a job for you You only have to ask

At six pm we’re on our way. It’s really great I have to say. You only have to run 5k When you run with GoodGym.

We dig a garden paint a hall We answer every good deed call We sweep the floors in a big church hall When we run with GoodGym

On all our group runs we work hard The tasks must never stop You find us wielding rakes or spades or brandishing a mop

The churches garden looks a mess It needs some work I must confess But when we’ve done they’ll say god bless When we’ve run with goodgym

These windows they all need a rag This litter it goes in a bag A crisp bag or discarded fag When we run with goodgym

We have a runner he’s called Jim Until he’s there we can’t begin Cos all the girls want to run with him When we’re down at goodgym

On our group tasks we work hard The tasks must never stop Sam has got her secateurs and Jen has pinched Jim’s mop

Gravel weeds and clippings too Anything that’s what we do You’ll be surprised what we get through On our tasks at goodgym.

Now I’m a goodgym runner. A happy kind of chap You’ll find me picking litter and clearing loads of ..... mess On Tuesday nights and more beside With running friends standing at my side We wear red GoodGym shirts with pride When we run with Goodgym

That’s why I run with goodgym

So why don’t you join good gym.

And as for next week, I shall probably be leaning on a lamp post at the corner of a street watching you all dig an allotment!!!!

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