Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre

Acres of outdoor fun for us to help maintain
Grounds and equipment maintenance

21 GoodGymers have supported Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre with 4 tasks.

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Previous sessions
LeicesterCommunity mission
Jimmy MitchinsonNick PrykeStu CoeM.A.ThompsonSarah

Rock the boat

Thursday 20th April 2023

Written by Sarah

5 Goodgymmers ventured out in Canoes with the Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre's River Litter pick, joined by 4 other volunteers too to pick litter from the river, the weather was on our side today.

Stu was telling me how he had never been in a canoe but he looked very chilled paddling. Tommo and his canoe pal Jay managed to pull out a whole bike along with 2 footballs and plenty more rubbish. Nick and his canoe partner pulled out so much litter that their canoe was so unbalanced they had to unload at base before anyone got wet. Me and Jimmy played it very safe neither of us were getting wet I have a run on Sunday and Jimmy had a 40 min cycle each way, we still found lots of grot and a football!

Was really proud of how everyone looked out for each other and the other volunteers, helping each other out of the canoes, checking we were all ok on the water and tidying away all of the kit, the pursuits centre looked after us well too. It was a big task, 3 hours of hard work and everyone did amazing pulling out 16 bags in total plus a bike. Weldone all keep doing good getting fit.

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LeicesterGroup run
MichaelaJeanette DouglasStu CoeJimmy Mitchinson
David Snutch

Goody goody goodgym has bags of fun!

Tuesday 16th October 2018

Written by Leicester runner

By prior arrangement and agreement we got everyone to a short cut start at the Peepul Centre to allow us to be able to make it to tonights task on time and spend a reasonable time there.

We were met by our good friend and staunch supporter of GoodGym - Coro Febres - who made a real fuss of seeing us again. We will of course be running to the Peepul Centre for next weeks task.

Frank showed up in a snappy suit and availed himself of the changing facilities, Sharon stored her bike in Coros office as due to unforseen circumstances she had no lock and Jim locked up to the racks outside.

At Jims suggestion we took a route along the Leicester Canal - through Belgrave and eventually onto Thurcaston Rd and round to the LOPC.

On arrival at LOPC we were met by Mel,Lee, Katy and Jeannette. We were shown to the training room and Chris told us about our task. We were to fill "Goody bags" ready for the next open day at the LOPC.

It didnt take us long to set out tables with the items on and set up a speedy production line. We were so speedy we had nearly finished the job in hand before Katy had chained her bike up.

The early completion left a bit of time for chat and some shout outs for half marathon efforts at the Leicester event last weekend - particularly Jen and Lindsay who achieved club diamond standard times and Jim and Mel who also braved the horrendous conditions to complete the event .

We were thanked by Chris who informed us that it would have taken one person all day to have filled the bags."Many hands make light work" springs to mind.

We left for the run back and it was decided that we would run the Snake back along Loughborough Road, but after a regroup at Thurcaston Road we took a different route along by The Space Centre and snaked our way along by Abbey Park and back to our starting point.

Cool down, stretch and off home after another successful task.

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LeicesterGroup run
Jeanette DouglasMichaelaDavid SnutchStu Coe
Jimmy Mitchinson

Sticks and stones wont break our bones and the beast from the East wont harm us

Tuesday 27th February 2018

Written by David Snutch

Its been a day of weather watching - will it snow or wont it, will we be able to see the sticks we are meant to be moving or will they be buried in snow.

Someone was smiling on us - the promised deluge just never materialised but by gum it was cold. -2 said the car thermometer and with the wind chill it was about -6.

5 joined us at task while the other 7 braved the cold and the nigh on 5k run through the Abbey Park and past the National Space Centre to the Outdoor Pursuits.

Taskmaster Chris met us on site and was quick to record his thanks and admiration that we had turned out on such a bitter night. The task was to tidy about 150 metres of track that had recently been flailed - twigs and branches needed hand picking off the gravel path and grass verge and throwing into the hedge line.

As usual the group needed very little instruction and soon got stuck in. Chris summed up at the end by saying that what we had done in half an hour would have probably taken his grounds maintenance team a couple of days.

The group that made the trek back to town experienced a mile of snake sprints with everyone taking a turn to sprint to the front and set the pace. Steve showed us all a clean pair of heels with some impressive speed. Steve has been regularly visiting his coach once a week and a home extension has occupied a lot of his time but it was really nice to welcome him back tonight.

Rachel also revealed that she is doing her first half marathon in Warwick at the weekend and we all look forward to hearing how she gets on.

Strangely enough, on the coldest night of the year we had our best turnout to date - it all bodes well for when the warmer weather returns - whenever that may be???

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LeicesterGroup run
Leigh ReynoldsLindsay FungJeanette Douglas
David Snutch

If you go down to the woods tonight the ghoulies and ghosts will give you a fright

Tuesday 31st October 2017

Written by David Snutch

Best laid plans and all that! An accident on the motorway had gridlocked Leicester so we were left in limbo as to when to leave.

Nic and Jim went on ahead while I held on for any latecomers, as it turned out none more showed but Lindsay had been so gridlocked she had divert direct to task. Not much of a run for Lindsay tonight but we shall let her off as she is doing 11 miles tomorrow.

The advance party of Mel, Jeneatte, Leigh, and Shobha had fortunately arrived on time and sought out our contact. He had gone home!!! but no fear, instructions had been left with a colleague.

We were shown to the woods with two wheelbarrows in tow.

Right then, straight sticks we need to keep cos we use those to build shelters, curly sticks are no good, they can go on the woodpile for the fire!

OK????? Clear as mud. What constitutes a straight stick vs a curly stick, especially when you are working under headlights.

We did our best, loaded up a trailer full of wood and a second pile on the floor ready to be transported. Task owner very grateful for our help.

If anyone had gone down those woods tonight they would have definitely got a big surprised. Red shirts swapped tonight for witches, skeletons and a bloodstained man, the costumes looked very impressive.

It was just Jim and Me on the way back so we ditched the fitness session and had a good old natter instead. Jim retired today and his daughter gets married on Saturday. Happy retirement Jim and we hope the wedding speech goes well.

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