Malago Berry Maze

169 GoodGymers have supported Malago Berry Maze with 68 tasks.

Top supporters
Bristol runner
Bromley runner

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Emma RDouglasNick Springthorpe

Thank you for the Maze

Saturday 14th September

Written by Bristol runner

A plethora of jobs awaited us on our arrival at the Berry Maze. You like edging, hey we’ve got a tool just for you. You like to mow lawns, you’re in luck my friend, you really like to get bindweed, also yes. Time to choose…

I worked with Douglas, who joined us for the first time today, with the edging of the maze, whilst Emma our resident lawn expert cut the lawn with aplomb. Frances the Queen of Bindweed removed copious amounts of bindweed delighting in what were admittedly stupendous roots being extracted.

After an hour we called time and headed to our next task (after sampling all the berries of course).

Until next time…

P.s. If anyone reads this then let me know and I’ll buy you a cookie or cake of your choice.

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BristolCommunity mission
Phill StoneEmma RJanka

More Mowin, less growing (weeds)

Saturday 13th July

Written by Phill Stone

As if we hadn't had enough mowing up at the northern slopes just before, we arrived to find that the Berry Maze needed a mow too. Emma was right on it, as expected!

There was a few slightly different jobs this time, as Janka was given a big smashy tool and set free on the rubble around the mosaic, ready for a fresh skirt soon. Some posts had been knocked down by the wind, or teenagers, or windy teenagers. Either way, it didn't take us long to put some fresh posts in.

Frances, Alex, and his partner also tackled some of the weeds, and we all helped ourselves to the first few berries of the season.

Thanks for coming along! Can't wait to see how many berries have grown next visit!

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BristolCommunity mission
Phill StoneJo WestlakeJankaEmma RDavid Head

Digging weeds for glorious deeds

Saturday 15th June

Written by Phill Stone

This month was a bit special at the Berry Maze, as it was time for the annual Get Growing Trail in Bristol. this is a great opportunity for community gardens to get placed on the map and lure more volunteers out into green spaces. Which worked quote well as one of the locals came to help, bringing one of the cutest doggos ever.(who got in the way a lot, but hard to stat mad at such an adorable thing!)

Despite animal distractions, we all managed to clear a tremendous amount of weeds, with special mention to Emma, who did a fantastic job of pulling the hogweed out by the roots. also extra thanks to Dave for being the photographer after my phone crashed. excuse his squinting, it was very very sunny!

Thanks for coming along everyone! back to the usual ti.e next month, see you there!

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BristolCommunity mission
Phill StoneEmma R
Freya DoddMuskan Aggarwal

Weeding Warriors of the Berry Brigade

Saturday 18th May

Written by Phill Stone

Another great turn out at the maze in May! We had hoped that Germinal was there so we could start reparation work to the mosaic, but not this time sadly. Still a job for the future!

Instead we spread throughout the maze and tackled different spots of weeds that are rampaging through the maze. WE welcomed Freya to the maze too, who instantly dived in, and got the hang of our regular sessions there... Grab a trowel and chat away! It's nice to have some relaxed tasks every now and then.

Thank you for coming along all, see you again soon!

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BristolCommunity mission
David HeadJordan James CogzellJankaJulie M
Jason Thorne

The berry best maze maze maintainers.

Saturday 13th April

Written by Phill Stone

Fresh from our stint up the Northen slopes, we met Julia(fresh from a run) and Jason and Janka(fresh in general) at the Berry Maze for a refreshing weeding and maintenance session. Now it's getting dry, we were able to perch on the ground for a casual weeding/chatting session.

We had a bonus task of getting 3 posts in the ground. Jordan once again shined as he dug the most perfect holes for the posts to go down. Great to have him on the team!

Fantastic work, thanks for coming along everyone!

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BristolCommunity mission
Phill Stone
Danica PriestEmma R

Danica's dazzling deedery defies dissarayed dregs

Saturday 23rd March

Written by Phill Stone

We had a fantastic day down at the Berry Maze, mainly celebrating Danica's amazing achievement, 400 tasks with Goodgym! That's awesome dedication to the cause. Thank you!

This day was a bit different, as we had joined up with Jackie down at the Berry Maze to help with their Litter-pick/Easter egg hunt. To anyone outside of Goodgym and the local community, that sounds like a strange combination, but that's just the way we roll down here! A few neighbours, with their egg hunting kids, joined Jackie and the four of us as we scoured the areas around the berry maze looking for litter and other un-pleasantries.

How did Danica celebrate? By getting stuck right in the river, helping the locals pull out shopping trolleys, toys, and who knows what else finds it's way down there. Frances found an empty bottle of Rain Repellent, which would have been very handy during the 10 min down pour that happened halfway through.

As you can see from the photos, 90 mins of community action can get a lot done. Heaps of litter removed from our local rivers and green spaces, making it a much nicer place to be.

Thanks for coming along every one Incredible work all round!

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