More Trees BANES is a not-for-profit community group, that works hard to protect and plant trees in our local area. Set up in 2008, we are run entirely by volunteers.
We’ve planted approximately 8,000 trees so far, and are currently scaling up our work significantly. There is a huge groundswell of desire to plant and protect trees – we provide a simple means for people to take easy, positive actions.
12 GoodGymers have supported More Trees BANES with 12 tasks.
Sunday 6th February 2022
Written by Holly
We went to a field above Weston where a community group were working to plant trees across a hillside. We helped dig slits into the ground to place the saplings in, planted them in and then put a doughnut shape of mulch round them. There was a range of different tree species planted. There had been nearly 100 volunteers from the local area over the weekend helping plant trees on the hillside so hopefully it will be a forest in 20 years time!
Sunday 16th January 2022
Written by Laura W
As the group gathered it all became curiouser and curiouser about the tasks that lay ahead. We were led to the tree nursery and shown the range of jobs from heeling trees to clearing brambles. Most were hard at work - Jer, Rob and Cosmo were heelings trees; Emily, James and Meyrick were clearing tree branches. Then there was calls of 'I'm late, I'm late' as Laura arrived. The hard work continued for just over an hour until we supposed we ought to eat or drink something or other; but the great question is ‘What?’ We had a short pause for a mini tea party to celebrate Emily's 50th Good deed and Meyrick's new 50 black t-shirt that he was proudly supporting. Refuelled we continued with our tasks despite nearly losing a couple of members down the rabbit holes.
Sunday 16th May 2021
Written by Meyrick Williams (He/Him)
GoodGym sprung into action this morning at the mighty Barrow Castle!
The tree-am at Barrow have helped return the location to its roots. Its seeds were sown over 150 years ago when it became a nursery for the production of daffodils for many years. It played an important part in the community with locals still recalling the time they worked there. There is also a Dawn Redwood that was only previously known from fossil records until others were found in China and Australia.
The aim is now, (amongst other things), to grow trees and provide them to the local community and wider as part of the global effort to restore our forests.
Our tasks today were twofold. Under the guidance of Matt we first wrapped chickenwire around Apple trees in the orchard in readiness for a small flock of much needed grass munching sheep; the sheep have a penchant for chewing the bark as well so this needed protecting.
These multi-skilled GoodGymers Max, Emily, Meyrick and Mary showed themselves to be naturals as we together wrapped the protective wire around existing trees that were blooming beautifully in Spring blossom as well as younger, newer saplings towards the top of the field. When this was completed we assisted a member of the Barrow Castle team with weeding a patch in which the tiniest of oak tree saplings were speading their first leaves of life. We also uncovered some fungus that looked remarkably like pasta; any info on what this was please let us know!!
All this was carried out against the backdrop of the most wonderful of views across the valley, framed above by the stormy skies that challenged us with at least two showers during the course of the session.
To say we felt tree-umphant would be a pun too far, but it was a most productive morning!!