New Era Community Projects CIC

Grow food to give away
We have two allotments at Hook Allotment & Leisure Gardens Association. Volunteers grow food to give away through other outlets run by New Era

2 GoodGymers have supported New Era Community Projects CIC with 1 task.

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Kingston upon ThamesCommunity mission
JulieMark Wilson

Bark-ing up the right tree

Saturday 7th October 2023

Written by Julie

Today we were helping Bob from New Era Community Projects at their allotment. Bob needed a hand with getting the site tidy ready for a new shed and polytunnel where they will be growing food for their community cafes and local food banks.

We arrived and were greeted by Bob who showed us around the site and what they'd been doing so far. The task today was to make a wood chip path around the growing area to make it tidy and easy to get around.

We gathered our wheelbarrows and shovels and set off moving wood chip from a big pile elsewhere on the allotment to the New Era site. It was a good workout shoveling the woodchip into the barrows, but we were kept fuelled up with a delicious slice of fruit cake mid task.

The path was soon complete and we were sent home with courgettes and cucumbers from the allotment!

Welcome to Mark on his first task!

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