Newcastle Cricket Club

The North East's premier cricket club!

34 GoodGymers have supported Newcastle Cricket Club with 2 tasks.

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Faye ShepherdDavid BrownEmma DaviesRemoved UserAndrew RobsonAnji Andrews

We weren't put off by the TEST that left us CREASED at the club

Monday 4th March 2019

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

As cricket puns go I am pretty BOWLED OVER by that one.

A wet and windy night didn't put off 25 GoodGymers including Veerle, or 'V' who came along for her first taste of GoodGym Newcastle. Nice work V! There was a great Community Mission announcement to start off the week- we now have at least one community mission every weekend until April, mainly thanks to the fab Task Force! Check out our listings for plenty of fun weekend opportunities coming up. We had a pancake inspired warm up as the gang planned their treats for Shrove Tuesday.

We were back to Newcastle Cricket Club tonight where we started helping out a few weeks ago at a new task organised by Task Forcer Charlotte. The task there is quite simple, keep ploughing on through the clear-out that was much-needed for the function room area of the Cricket Club. We split into two teams: Team Kitchen Scrubbers and Team Function Room Warriors. Jobs included:

  • Cleaning out cupboards

  • Scrubbing an oven

  • Throwing out dubious out of date food

  • Washing a mountain of dishes

  • Vacuuming using a Hoover so old it was like an antique

  • Mopping the dance floor

  • Looking cool in cricket mask/helmets

And best of all we were all given a voucher to pop back next week and grab a free drink at their quiz night! WINNER.

As always, tasks were completed in lightning quick time and it was on to the fitness session which was thankfully indoors. High intensity was the order of the day as we worked our way throught burpees, lunges, jumping squats, planks, press ups and star jumps in hard 20 second reps, with Kate keeping a close eye on anyone daring to wimp out. This super workout warmed us up nicely for heading back out into the wind and rain! Well done everyone on once again really making a difference to a club that relies massively on volunteers.

Fancy a paint party this weekend? Katy's organised a rave that doubles up as a Community Mission on Saturday so get involved if you can! We'll be back doing more good things and hopefully wearing more crazy head gear as we return to Elliott House Next Monday

Happy running and walking,

Anji x

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NewcastleGroup run
Debbie EnglishGrace Feeney
Carol Anne Mclachlan
Removed User

GoodGym All-Rounders weren't Stumped by tonight’s task... A bit of a sticky Wicket but our task owner was Bowled Over by our efforts!

Monday 11th February 2019

Written by Carol Anne Mclachlan

Tonight definitely started with some ‘Belter’ news... Charlotte completed her first coach run, Evan took part in a 24 hour cycle event and still came even though he was a bit of a Sloth! We also welcomed 4 new runners tonight, so huge shout out to Cathy, Hannah, Giselle and Rhys and well done in your first group run! We also enjoyed the company of GG Barnsley's trainer Grace tonight which was lovely to hear what other areas are up too!

25 amazing runners headed to Newcastle Cricket Club for a massive kitchen and function room clean. 16 headed to the kitchen not even ‘Batting’ an eye at the challenge in front them, armed with kitchen cleaners, gloves and cloths the guys got to work washing dishes, pots, cutlery and the dreaded range cooker and oven where Nick did his best Highway man impression. Cupboards were emptied washed down and stocked back up, fridges cleaned, floors washed! Awesome team work from all!

8 made a huge difference in the function room, carpets hoovered, Louise and Dave did an awesome job of washing and re-stacking the many tables, dado rails cleaned, windows washed, Tom got busy stacking the chairs neatly and ooh... we even had a hoover showdown from Dan and Rachel... vacuums at 10 paces.

Katy did an amazing job with our fitness session which we thankfully held in doors (even mostly managing to stay of the lovely clean, newly washed floors), all loving the squats, tricep dips, planking and forward lunges, some would say it just wasn’t ‘Cricket’!

Massive well done to Charlotte for organising tonight’s epic task and a great effort by everyone tonight ‘All Out’ in 40 minutes...

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