St Werburgh's City Farm Garden

132 GoodGymers have supported St Werburgh's City Farm Garden with 29 tasks.

Top supporters
Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Bristol runner

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Alice WhaleSarah TownendCharlotte Murray
TimMarianne Bradshaw


Wednesday 21st August

Written by Alice Whale

A great session planting carrots, spring onions and callaloo. Plus rescuing some other plants and trees from encroaching bind weed!

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice Whale
Marianne BradshawTim

Lady courgettes have bustles

Wednesday 17th July

Written by Bristol runner

Things I learnt today with some wonderful people doing some guerilla gardening…

  • Bees are better fat
  • Lady courgettes have junk
  • Cute means different things to different people
  • A chard is not a beetroot
  • Walnuts are nice pickled
  • Custard creams aren’t as good as bourbons
  • Exercise can give you dolphins if you are lucky
  • Bindweed tug o’ wars are fleeting but beautiful

We did lots of weeding…. wishing the limequat good health.

Until next time...

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice WhaleMarianne BradshawLaima Jurika
Jade Cahill

Green gym and the adventures of the wheelbarrow

Wednesday 15th May

Written by Alice Whale

With all the rain and sunshine we've been having, the community garden was looking extra green and lush... But without the help of GoodGym was soon going to be overrun with some naughty bindweed and ash. So we got to work cutting back along the paths, weeding and hoeing and got the garden looking lovely and neat again! Thanks everyone!

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BristolCommunity mission
Martha SimonsJasmine DurnellTimVaguelyNorthernDarrenJason Thorne

Weedin’ the beds

Wednesday 16th August 2023

Written by Bristol runner

Do you tickle your tomatoes? A good question but we were here for something else. Our task this evening was to weed the vegetable beds at the community garden. There was lots of bindweed and general peskiness to be removed but they were no match for us. Welcome to Jasmine and Martha joining us for the first time this evening. It’s a shorter walk than usual this week so it’s a shorter report 😬

Until next time…

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice WhaleVickyAineCharisJade CahillLaura HillFiona Long

Runner Beans supporting Runner Beans

Wednesday 17th May 2023

Written by Alice Whale

Another beautiful sunny afternoon at the St Werb's Community Farm Gardens was had!

This week we built supports for the newly planted runner beans, rescued some spring onions from some encroaching weeds, planted up some baby chards and watered the heck out of as many beds as we could. Good work everyone!

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BristolCommunity mission
Alice WhaleCharlene

Brush hour at the farm

Wednesday 15th March 2023

Written by Alice Whale

On a rather drizzly day, Alice and Rich decided that their spirits would not be dampened and headed over to help out at St Werb's Community Farm & Gardens.

Focussing on an area that's new to GoodGym Bristol, we experienced the novel joy of cleaning out their greenhouse guttering with what could only be described as an inbuilt giant flossing device.

After some flossing device repairs and the guttering leaf and gunk free, we moved on to clean one of the polytunnels which had become rather mouldy and green over winter, blocking the light from the lovely spring plantlets growing inside.

For this we had the joy of using another fun scrubbing contraption that was attached to a hose and experienced a decent amount of entertaining hose disasters in the process of getting the polytunnel squeaky clean!

An enjoyable and productive evening had by all - we look forward to further sessions which will be held once per month until September 2023!

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