Stadium Runners

7 GoodGymers have supported Stadium Runners with 5 tasks.

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Previous sessions
HuddersfieldGroup run
Saul MuldoonKati LawBen Godfrey

Pruning & Picking

Thursday 13th June

Written by Saul Muldoon

Nice to do another GoodGym session with Stadium Runners this evening. Fiona Willis joined Ben Godfrey and myself for a spot of footpath clearing and litter picking at Middlemost Ponds. Thanks for braving the rain folks!

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HuddersfieldGroup run
Saul MuldoonSandra EmmersonKati LawCarl LecomberAlison Cottam

Green Fingers in Greenhead Park

Thursday 23rd May

Written by Saul Muldoon

A great night in Greenhead Park for GoodGym and Stadium Runners. Great to have Alison Cottam, Sandra Emmerson and Carl Lecomber on board with Kati Law and myself to help weed one of the Park's big borders.

Thanks too to Jane from the Friends of Greenhead Park for setting up the task.

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HuddersfieldCommunity mission
Saul Muldoon

Job Done

Thursday 1st February

Written by Saul Muldoon

Job done!

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HuddersfieldCommunity mission
Saul MuldoonKati Law

Goody-Two Shoes Two

Monday 29th January

Written by Saul Muldoon

Kati Law and I were at Stadium Runners again this evening collecting shoes for Jog-on. Another huge haul again this evening....thanks Stadium Runners.

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HuddersfieldCommunity mission
Saul MuldoonKati Law

Goody Two Shoes!

Thursday 25th January

Written by Saul Muldoon

Or more accurately Goody Twenty-Two Shoes! Cos that was how many the folks at Stadium Runners donated to our GoodGym Jog-On shoe collection this evening.

Thanks to Kati Law for her assistance with the collection.

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