Stepping Stones

A short term assessment accommodation hostel for the homeless
Turning Tides’s Short Term Assessment Hostel provides short-term accommodation alongside one-to-one support from staff, who are available day and night. The Charity’s Stepping Stones Project places more of an emphasis on involvement within the community, here the clients are given more responsibility with a lower level of support.

18 GoodGymers have supported Stepping Stones with 3 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
WorthingGroup run
Duncan AndersonLucy BoothBelinda RobinsonPaula Marten

Snap , Crackle and Squat

Monday 25th February 2019


FAB ruary

What a stunning evening it was after the record breaking weather in sunny Worthing today.

With a spring in our step the walking group set off closely followed by the running group along the seafront and around the pier. Jay and I couldn't resist the photographic opportunity of the breathtaking final few moments of the sunset over the pier.

In perfect timing the walkers and runners arrived at the task at the same time. This evening we were giving a helping hand to Lyndhurst homeless shelter with a garden spruce up.

These blocks of flats offer a 37 bed temporary accommodation hub on Lyndhurst Rd. These go some way to reducing the increasing number of rough sleepers on the streets of Worthing.

Leaf Litting

With head torches, gloves and blue bags distributed the team set about scooping up and bagging garden debris consisting mainly of leaves. It was great to see Anne back on her bike after a niggling injury after the Worthing half marathon.

Shout out and big qudos to Lucy who is topping the good deeds leader board after her recent mission in Portsmouth last Monday.

The rest of the team also seemed to enjoy catching up with each other and seemed fairly oblivious to my photographic nightmares of a very dark task !

We carried all the blue bags from the task to the seafront where our amazing Adur Worthing refuse team will pick them up from early tomorrow. The big question was also tackled of where we would eat and drink later due to our regular chippy not being able to deliver a gluten free option this evening.

For your thighs only

With the 3 groups established and the route and timings sorted we set off on one of our favourite fitness challenges - A crocodile run where the back runner sprints to the front in single file style .

Tamsin particularly seemed to embrace the challenge having arrived at the task lacking in energy but finding her running mojo and pulling out some fantastic efforts as the drill progressed.

It was also great to integrate the second group of runners together with the walkers striding back on the return along the seafront. With the help of a handily placed wall we all stopped for some strength fitness work together . These exercises included sprinter starts step ups, press ups and squats.

With the walkers crocodiling back we reunited with the runners for a welcome pint and bite to eat at the pub where we were joined by Duncan.

GoodGym Round up

Have you ever wondered what happens in other parts of the GG bubble on a Monday evening ? Click here and have a cruise around last nights activity (

Closer to home and in celebration of international womens day on Friday 8th March I'm planning a GoodGym event on Saturday 9th March. Either run , walk or marshal at parkrun Worthing . Lets try and bring an extra female who wouldn't normally come along in celebration of this noteworthy day. Watch out for more details in this weeks fitness email on Friday.

In the meantime have great week !

All the best


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WorthingGroup run
Tamsin CornwallAnne BlokhusDuncan AndersonPaul WoodcockPaula MartenJULIA GLEESON

The Oven- gers

Monday 14th January 2019


Fifty on the inside

It was anther epic evening in Worthing tonight with Duncan reaching his 50th good deed. Despite a few misunderstandings from some thinking he had reached his big Birthday Duncan was swift to put the record straight on this one!

Next time you see Duncan he may be wearing his prestigious black GG tee shirt and raising his 50 pint glass that was awarded to him tonight. I would just like to add an extra word of thanks to Duncan as, without him introducing the GG idea to Worthing none of would be meeting up, doing good and having fun on a Monday. Thank you for the yummy cup cakes tonight too!

Paul was unable to make tonight but is poised at 48 good deeds. With this in mind we are hoping that he will reach his big 50 in time to celebrate on 1st Feb at our GG social . Details TBC

We also welcomed regulars Lucy , Dr Emma , Tamsin,Paula , Ros, Anne, Nick and also Barbara who met us directly at the task.

With GG update and cakes and present stowed safely for our return we set off on a short warm up run / walk to Stepping Stones half way house homeless hostel.

The team are spread ovenly tonight

With the main focus being a kitchen and spring clean the team split up with Paula and Anne on staircases and corridors , Ros, Barbara, Lucy and Tamsin headed to the kitchen with Duncan and Emma starting with some weeding one of the front flower beds outside.

One of the main features of the clean tonight was to tackle the large range cooker in the kitchen in an attempt to regain some of its sparkle. This was quite a challenge and if you look at the photos carefully you will see just how much of a challenge this was!

With plenty of arm power and elbow grease being applied it wasn't too long before we invited Duncan and Emma in from the cold and add their fresh muscle power to the oven door to try and remove the last of the stubborn grime.

in 30 short minutes we provided the equivalent of 4 workforce hours which made a huge much needed improvement in this large charitable homeless hostel. In particular the oven really does invite close inspection. Great work team !

Fit and Fun - You go, I go

After leaving Stepping Stones 7 of the team headed down to the seafront for a fitness session which based on fun and partnership work which seemed to cause a certain degree of hilarity and put plenty of smiles on faces together with some cracking team motivation.

The team partnered up with one 3 way arrangement . Short sharp moves such as squat tucks , burpees , jumping jacks, side jumps were alternately done with a high five changeover . Just how difficult can high fives be :) :) So funny ! Check out the photos !

We competed the session with some bus shelter bench press ups and tricep dips before a run/ walk back to Splashpoint for cakes and chat.

Back to the Big 50

There are quite a number of you that are hovering at 37 and 38 good deeds ( Tamsin , Barbara, Nick, Anne to name a few ) With the allure of a new black t' shirt together with being in strong contention to win our group in the GG January national challenge it would be great if we could all dig deep on these January Monday nights, put those running shoes on and head out the door to do good and clock up our miles and good deeds on the GG leaderboard.

Next week we are at Kamelia Kids in Goring so we will be meeting at our alternative meeting point at Worthing Leisure Centre at 6ish for a 6:15 pm departure. This is an ideal task for a walking group to join us so if you do know of anyone who would like to join us please get them to sign up on the GG website.

Have a great week everyone :)

Julia x

Read more
WorthingGroup run
Anne BlokhusLucy BoothDiane TownsendBarbara BarrettBelinda RobinsonJULIA GLEESON

Whilst Shepherds watched their pies by night

Monday 10th December 2018


7 days without a pun makes one weak

Christmas day minus 14 and it was fantastic turnout this evening with 12 GoodGymers representing the 12 days of Christmas perfectly.

We warmly welcomed back Natalia and Andi The big decision is are you ready to be added to the GG whats app group yet ? If so email me your mobile number and be prepared to find the mute button!

Welcome also to Sue who literally bounced in after 3 PB.s last week ! This is particularly notable after her amazing and inspirational return from her knee reconstruction after her riding accident in 2017.

Sporting fantastic head attire Gill together with Anne and Barbara who had all grafted some impressive head gear but having lost his hat at works night out Jay arrived in a borrowed Santa hat . Oh woe him!

However in comparison to loosing your hat loosing your trousers maybe considered a whole lot worseLucy arrived minus her running leggings but cue Duncan who donated his leggings to Lucy in favour of his jeans despite Paul gallantly offering up his shorts to Lucy and only too willing to drop his shorts and run in his underwear to rescue 'Tracey' our damsel in distress !

Such is the chivalry of GG Worthing and the total whacky and craziness that every Monday presents !

With back, middle , front runners all sorted and designated driver Belinda opting for 4 wheels tonight after completing her longest run ever earlier in the day ( Massive kudos B! ) the remainder of the group headed off for the steady 3k warm up run to our task tonight at Stepping Stones homeless hostel.

Ya butter back off pal because there ain't no oil , salt ,pepper , dishes ......or anything you need to cook a meal tonight

So with challenging conditions the group dug deep and cracked on with the task. With extremely limited tools and equipment I'm not entirely sure how this task was completed but with some pure determination and impressive improvising tactics somehow we conquered 2 large meat shepherds pies together with one vegetarian option and a huge bowl of fresh cabbage.

Bit of a Mash up

With Jay juggling GG with his Christmas movie and neighbours evening he was first to peel off together with Belinda ,Gill and Barbara on light duties taking the 4 wheeled option back to base. Duncan on his Forest Gump walking challenge heading back to East Preston.

Eager runners Paul , Andi, Sue and Lucy headed off for some lampost sprints along the seafront leaving Natalia , Anne and I to finish off an epic cheesy mash and cooking task before the run home.

Are you ready to pate?

Looking forward to our GG Worthing get together tonight ! See you around 7.30pm at The Libertine or at Wood Burger Kitchen at 8:30pm. Its going to be so amazing !!

Next week its our final task before Christmas at Byron Road homeless hostel. Depending on numbers ( and the weather)we may split into 2 groups with one planting bulbs in our seafront flower bed. Watch this space or whats app for more info.

Have a great week

Julia :)

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