Tang Hall Primary School

28 GoodGymers have supported Tang Hall Primary School with 2 tasks.

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YorkGroup run
Michael LeadbetterJoanna DelgadoLyndsey HayAbigail DartonRadu Chirvasuta

What a Tang-Halled Mess

Monday 24th June 2024

Written by York runner

Tonight we ran over to the Tang Hall School allotment to help tidy it up a little. Recent rain had caused the weeds to shoot up and the edges of the allotment were heavily overgrown, particularly with brambles.

After some brief instruction on what constitutes a weed and what constitutes a wanted plant (“if there is lots of it, it's probably a weed”) we set to work. In no time at all four large rubble bags were full to overflowing and no one fell in the pond - result!

Off then to Glen Gardens for some fitness with the “cones of misery”. Team volcano were set on keeping the cones the way up nature intended, while the dastardly team crater were flipping them. Some dubious sporting behaviour saw Mitch and Laura in a head to head stalemate of flipping and Nikki looked like she was sitting on Abigail to thwart her.

Then back to base for a cool down (in the baking heat) and then to the Ackhorne for a more effective beer-based cool down

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YorkGroup run
JamieJenna DruryAbigail DartonJoanna DelgadoMartin CalvertRadu Chirvasuta

We had Allot(ment) of fun helping Tang Hall School

Monday 6th May 2024

Written by Neil Bushell

A Group of Goodgym members dodged the stormy weather on a bank holiday Monday and had Allot(ment) of fun digging out an overgrown allotment for Tang Hall school. On an evening which was surrounded by danger of possible thunderstorms and midges in the air our goodgym team brave and strong made light work of an overgrown nettle and bramble infested allotment, clearing the way for a future haven of nature at Tang Hall school.

Witnessing Jamie deservedly win April Goodgymmer of the month award and after completing the task being subjected to a beasting by Vicky similar to SAS who dares wins, our team battled through and left feeling fitter and with a sense of pride in the work they'd achieved on what had been a beautiful sunny day up to about an hour before the goodgym task!

I'm sure we'll all sleep well tonight and wake a little fitter in the morning.

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