The Foss Fairy Trail

Community project making a river walk by the River Foss a friendly, social and special walk
Creates a fairy walk along with planting of insect friendly plants and maintenance of the walk way

5 GoodGymers have supported The Foss Fairy Trail with 1 task.

Top supporters
Dom Tooze
Dom Tooze (he/him)
Leanne (she/her)
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury (she /her)
York runner

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Dom ToozeLeanneJenna Drury
Tamar Goudie (Tay)

Bramble off-fence

Saturday 19th November 2022

Written by Leanne (she/her)

Tracy, creator of the Foss Fairy Trail asked us for help to cut back brambles around a hockey pitch.

We armed ourselves with loppers and secateurs and moved forth into battle with "anything that's growing through the fence."

Within an hour, there was a visible, satisfying difference to the edges of the hockey pitch, so it was off to find somewhere for a well-earned breakfast.

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