Vauxhall Foodbank

Our oldest and most popular task!
Vauxhall Foodbank provide short term food support to families and individuals in crisis. We help them out by sorting food collected from local supermarkets into categories and making sure it is correctly weighed. This task is the dream for all lovers of neatness and order. Feel the calm wash over you as all the tins get sorted and put away. The work we do here would take the voluntary staff hours to do by themselves. We get everything bang tidy in 20 mintes.

138 GoodGymers have supported Vauxhall Foodbank with 116 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Help Out Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre!

Wednesday 25th September 2024 9:15am - 10:15am

Help Out Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre!

Thursday 26th September 2024 10:00am - 11:00am

Help Out Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre!

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 9:15am - 10:15am

Help Out Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre!

Thursday 3rd October 2024 10:00am - 11:00am

Previous sessions
LambethCommunity mission
Adi GaskellMikhail AmranMarcio

Delivery and food stacked

Wednesday 21st August

Written by Mikhail Amran

All 3 of us GoodGymers came and helped Mervin and the gang from VGCC with their Wednesday delivery.

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LambethCommunity mission
Mikhail AmranAdi Gaskell

What a delivery!

Wednesday 14th August

Written by Mikhail Amran

I arrived and the other volunteers were hard at work on preparing chutney for individual use. I was put to work on making sure we had 1 kg bags of rice. I was just finished with making 30 bags when the delivery showed up. It was a big'un! Thanks to the generosity of city harvest for making sure the clients are happy on Friday

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LambethCommunity mission
Michelle CarneiroNancy Bui
Mikhail Amran

Cheese, eggs and fridge tetris

Thursday 8th August

Written by Mikhail Amran

The delivery showed up at 10am exactly but I did not! When I arrived Nancy from GG Oxford, Kai from GGGreenwich, Michelle from GG Lambeth, Charlotte and Melvyn from VGCC were hard at work. There was some egg box cutting, cheese slicing and some fridge rearranging ready for tomorrow. All in all a good morning.

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LambethCommunity mission
Maria KostouliaMichelle CarneiroJasmin Rostron

Missed Delivery 🚚

Thursday 25th July

Written by Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Four GoodGymers arrived at the Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre to help take in their usual delivery from Felix, but unfortunately the van did not arrive in the time they were there.

Instead, we packed up some bread, donuts, and cabbage, that’s now ready to get picked up!

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LambethCommunity mission
Phillip Costovski

Vauxhall Set Up

Thursday 2nd May

Written by Phillip Costovski

We brought in some food from Felix project and managed to sort it all quickly for distribution tomorrow.

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LambethCommunity mission
Esme TuttiettAdi Gaskell

Bringing in the goods

Wednesday 1st May

Written by Esme Tuttiett

This was a nice opportunity helping unload and sort the food delivery and Vauxhall CC. I met some lovely people, too.

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