We have prevented homelessness in Brighton and Hove for over 150 years. We support our clients on a pathway towards fulfilled and empowered living, across housing and support services. Many young people have never known these things; other people have lost one or more as they grew up, but we all need them. All of us. At YMCA, we provide these critical foundations for a fresh, strong start for young people and a better quality of life in the community.
30 GoodGymers have supported YMCA - Brighton with 8 tasks.
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Written by Frances Ruocco
13 GoodGym-ers braved the incoming dark night to run along the Lewes Road at rush hour to Stanley Court, which is a YMCA supported accommodation.
We were last there in spring to help clear the small back yard area and to create a useful open-air space for gardening and other recreational activities for the residents. Over the summer the dreaded bind weed has made its presence known again so we were clearing the back yard, cutting back, pulling weeds and getting rid of the bind weed.
We also did some litter picking in an alley way next to the court, where lots has been abandoned in years. It was a real adventure to navigate in the poor light, but we managed to do the job.
A familiar face joined the team for the first time in Brighton - Welcome Jo!
We all made a big difference in a small area, and this is very satisfying!
Hoping that the little garden thrives over the winter.
Afterwards we jogged along to the Level Park to do some speed training, watched on by the ever-present skateboarders.
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Tuesday 7th May 2024
Written by STEFANIA ROSSO (she/her)
YMCA Stanley Court offers a safe environment and supported housing to people in need, helping them to get ready to moving for greater independence to achieve their true potential and overcome difficulties they might have experienced. Everyone living at Stanley Court can benefit from a range of opportunities to learn new skills, including volunteering and active participation in the gardening group.
Today GoodGym call was to help YMCA to revive the gardening group by preparing a green area to get suitable for future seeding, planting of flowers and growing of vegetables.
We were expected – as advertised on a poster to the residents!
Within 45 minutes we had peeled off the bindweed, chopped back the shrubs, weeded the overgrown patio entirely. We filled 15+ green bags with weeds and left the area looking much tidier, ready for future revamping!
The YMCA gardening group is open to all. You can come in for a taster session or attend regularly and learn a new skill while enjoying the fresh air. So, we did and finished off our group session with fitness exercises in the Saunder park nearby. GoodGym-er Rosie, lead the group back shining her 50 deeds' GoodGym T-shirt!
Tuesday 28th June 2022
Written by Michael Pirrie
A short time ago in a garden not too far away...(cue dramatic music).
In period of unprecedented heat, a brave alliance of nine Goodgym runners challenged the tyranny and oppression of an awesome amount of weeds.
After being regaled with tales of Angela and Jason's trail running exploits and Nancy's 50th Parkrun, we were ready to take on a new challenge at a different destination! We took the short trip from the seafront up to the YMCA to take on the might of their unloved garden. Ruled over for many years by weeds, dirt and all manner of debris, the group set to work clearing space.
The dead daffodils, sneaky sticky weed and limp leaves didn't know what hit them with a blitz of activity transforming the garden. Beating back the overflowing beds even revealed the long lost path to the shed! Our whirl of activity drew attention from the residents who were delighted to be reclaiming the space and already thinking of ways to enhance its future. Such was the speed of our attack some of us had time to stand back and admire while Jay, Philippa and Rebecca soldiered on clearing the debris. The garden was brought back to life ready to be used again.
Fresh from victory we journeyed back to the seafront for some short lamp post intervals to take us back to base. A great evenings work and we can all bask in the knowledge that an old space now has new hope...