0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Wed 8th Apr 2020 at 6:00pm
Portsmouth Report written by Samantha Belfrage
Well it really was a family affair today! We had me (Mrs B) trying to lead the fitness session whilst little B wanted to give her own instructions and Mr B was in charge of the timer.
I hope you could hear at least one of us and managed a good home workout.
We went live on Facebook (always risky with a 3 year old) which means should you ever want to endure that workout again you can, anytime.
We had 19 viewers for most of the session, a couple of those were Betsy's fans. I think I'll give her her own instructor slot on my FB page, she's certainly better at giving direction than taking it.
Thank you team for the amazing post workout selfies, pretty sure you all worked hard! Maybe not Ron?!
Anywhooooo watch the video if you haven't already and stay safe.
Keep training x
Wed 8th Apr 2020 at 6:00pm