0 Month Streak
Wed 3rd Feb 2021 at 11:00pm
Send a card or letter with a message of goodwill (not romance!) to someone else in the UK
Read moreWed 3rd Feb 2021 at 9:00am
Lewisham Report written by Mayuko
Missions: poodling along the aisles in a big supermarket with a trolley and making individual shopping bags(boxes) for the older peoples. This is a part of the Age UK Food Delivery project Food2you. Some service users have physical difficulties to buy food on their own, and some are self-isolated under the health issues due to Covid-19. The heavy cold rain made the way back rather challenging for running/pedalling: well done for 4 of us, good indoor and 'outdoor' workout. Every little deed!
Wed 3rd Feb 2021 at 4:55pm