0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
4 Month Streak
Wed 3rd Apr 2024 at 6:30pm
Chelmsford Report written by David Chatterjee
Despite the much improved lighting situation, we still met just inside the door, with Bianca wearing three layers and two pairs of socks!
We set off after a hyped up run briefing from leading light Laurie where no one seemed to have any energy. Beatboxing on the way we met leading light leaflet legend Fay who had prepared a great haul including a youth disco which got Joe reminiscing. We split off into two groups and got to work. Doug raised the union flag with Brexit pride and Sallyann even managed to find a brand new beatbox!
We delivered all the leaflets, and even the extra ones that Chris seemed to find, and headed back to base. Angela swung off early to prepare for bicycle shopping and Andy couldn't be bothered to do the last beatbox. For shame! If we miss out by 20 points we know who to blame.
It is also the quiz this weekend on Sunday, and if anyone wants a lift to Barrow farm on Sunday morning for the task there do let me know.
Make sure you read the email from Laurie (cough Martin cough) about the run next week. We will be setting off from Lidl to the foodbank. It is a longer run and there is a list of stuff they need to bring. We may also head to the pub after. Beat the street ends next week during the run so we can all celebrate! Especially if we can catch the girl guides!
Wed 27th Mar 2024 at 6:30pm
Chelmsford Report written by David Chatterjee
God it was cold tonight! That didn't stop 12 of us eager to get litter picking though. We met at ARU and I bragged about winning a prize through beat the street and meeting the mayor before being knocked down a couple of pegs when I realised I forgot my beat card. No points for me today! Something also looked a little off, Russell trying out a new fashion strategy by wearing his t-shirt backwards.
We ran a route out to get to Odeon to meet Ben (excellent star wars hoody and all), Jess and Angela. We dived into the litter we could find. It was when we hit the B&M car park we hit the motherload. Andy found a mystery key for locker 96, Jess thought Angela had left a bottle from work..., Sallyann has a worrying tendency for finding the booze bottles, and a huge amount of the usual snack packaging. Bianca won the prize for most full bag. We posed for a photo by the green wall, Laurie questioned Martin's face which she declared confused.
We braced the cold weather to run back to base and hitting some more boxes on the way. But just when we thought the fun was over, Fay whipped it out! That's right, her bag of treats to celebrate her 100th good deed last week! Amazing work Fay! and thank you for the goodies, even brought some dairy free ones for Jenny. Joel also did 250 good deeds last week but he didn't even show let alone bring me anything...Can't wait to see the new t-shirt!
See you all soon.
Wed 6th Mar 2024 at 6:30pm
Wed 7th Feb 2024 at 6:30pm
Chelmsford Report written by David Chatterjee
As it got chilly and dark 11 Goodgymers were ready to help Chelmsford Community Radio (CCR) with some very heavy tables!
We met at the usual place and said hi to Martin who had come along for his first task, welcome! We headed down the high street to near Flight Centre, congratulating Joel for his promotion at work and Angela for...going to Cambridge?
Boy oh Boy those glass panels were heavy and it was quite the distance we needed to carry them. So naturally we got stuck into the table frames instead. Carrying them over (safely) and easily getting then through doorways we dropped them off and did a few more trips. Hopefully the glass will be moved by a glass company in exchange for free radio advertising! We rudely interrupted Rich doing a sexy photoshoot by doing our good deed.
We were about to head back when we realised we had lost Bianca and Jess! After establishing they'd headed back towards WingStop we jogged to meet them. Various directions, including a slightly longer route back to up the kilometres. Half a task well done!
Well done all, happy running!
Wednesday 17th January 2024
Bianca Effemy has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Bianca is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.