0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Wednesday 30th January 2019
Cathy been spreading the winter warmth visiting their coach in December.
Cathy runs to visit an older person, we knew that. What's new is that they've persevered through the worst the weather can throw at them. For logging their visits during December they are awarded the yule log badge.
Wednesday 30th January 2019
Cathy run to visit an isolated older person for the first time.
Cathy has just done their first run to visit an isolated older person. This person will act as Cathy's Coach; helping them to keep motivated to exercise. In exchange Cathy will drop in each week for a chat.
Friday 25th January 2019
Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 2:24pm
This is not my third run. I've been visiting Marion every other week since 2012. I've only just started logging the visits recently. I wasn't aware of having to do this until now.
Tuesday 8th January 2019
Thursday 13th December 2018