Dennis Affram


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Dennis Affram
Dennis Affram has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Dennis Affram has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Dennis is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Dennis Affram
Dennis Affram went on a group run

Tue 3rd Mar 2020 at 6:45pm

When we all chipped in together

Croydon Report written by Conroy

Tonight we welcomed Charlotte and Dennis to their first group run we hope you had a good time with us and we'll see you again soon. We also welcomed back Alicia who has been a member since 2017 and took sometime out, welcome Alicia its good to have you back again.

Tonight we ran 7km to the allotments in Thornton Heath to finish off spreading the wood chips along the path. With thanks to Andy who delivered a truck load of wood chips over the weekend. He was kind enough to send us a picture of the mountain of wood chips he had delivered. Although we had seen the picture until we got there tonight we didn't expect it to be that much. However that did not scare us because we knew we were up to the challenge. It was also a good opportunity to show Charlotte and Dennis what we can achieve in 45 mins. It was also great to see them getting stuck in. We didn't get to spread all the wood chip but we sure did make massive inroad into the mountain that had disappeared and leaving only a little more for the next set of volunteers going along tomorrow to complete.

Pam was suitably impressed with what we had done and told me to make sure I mentioned how hard the group had worked and how grateful she was for what we had done.

Well done to the fantastic eight, Ian, Jenny, Andy, Magdalena, Dovile, Peter, Sarah and Martin on completing The Vitality Big Half on Sunday. Lets not forget Hannah and Nicola who went along to cheer them, great work team.

Do join us next week as we return to Park Hill to check on the bulbs we planted last year to check on their progress, sign up here.

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Dennis Affram
Dennis Affram signed up to a group run.

Tue 3rd Mar 2020 at 6:45pm