Júlia Rocha


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Júlia Rocha
Júlia Rocha has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🥳

Wednesday 30th January 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Júlia Rocha has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Júlia is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Júlia Rocha
Júlia Rocha went on a group run

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 6:45pm

Castle of Beds!

Camden Report written by Paul Bown

23 GoodGymers ran 4-6km to help C4WS and Castlehaven Community Centre!

Welcome along to newbies - Marjori, Sharlene and Julia - thanks very much for coming along!

In the news this week:

  1. GG has just hit 6000 Good Deeds for January, the most ever done in a single month! January Challenge complete! Thanks for being a part of it.
  2. Well done to everyone who did the Maverick Races last weekend - good work!
  3. Sign up for next week's social here - we'll be Old Street at The Prince Arthur Pub!

Castlehaven Report:

11 of us headed to help Castlehaven Community Centre on the coldest night of the year - corrrr!

After a miles run we arrived at Castlehaven, our task last night was to collect up as many leaves as possible from the compost area. This area is going to have some major landscaping work happening too so we are clearing the way for that.

However it was also the spot for the most leaves ever seen by anyone in late January. Using rakes, gloves, grabbers and Pritesh's bare hands we filled up 10 huge sacks of leaves in 25 mins - amazing!

After finding Jonathan's gloves morale was high but our bodies were cold. We headed into the night for a run around and a time trial around Granary Square - good work all.

Beds and Leaves!

C4WS Report by Katherine:

Frances led a group of 12 to do our weekly winter task of making beds at the C4WS homeless shelter. While Hayley and Meredith set up the ladies room, everyone else got to work in the main hall. By 7:30 everything was complete, we left some chocolates on the pillows before heading to Russell Square for a fitness session.

Katherine "tortured” the group with some squats, planks and lunges before the group did a three lap progression run round the square. A quick run home and an early finish!

Sign up for next week here when we'll be making beds for the homeless and sorting donations at the Scope Charity Shop.

PB out

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Júlia Rocha
Júlia Rocha signed up to a group run.

Wed 30th Jan 2019 at 6:45pm

Júlia Rocha
Júlia Rocha signed up to a group run.

Wed 23rd Jan 2019 at 6:45pm