Kate Smith


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Kate Smith
Kate Smith completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🤩

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Kate Smith completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Kate has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Kate Smith
Kate Smith went on a group run

Wed 23rd Aug 2023 at 6:30pm

Vape Up Or Ship Out

Barnsley Report written by James Smith

A couple of glorious GoodGymers set out to pick up all of the litter they could manage in the space of an hour, which is a lot as all folk know who know owt about GoodGym members' litterpicking abilities.

There were a lot of loud roadworks going on on the A6133/ Broadway which made chatting somewhat difficult but we managed somehow.

We had a competition to see who could find the 'best' bit of rubbish... James had slim pickings with the best item being a colourful flashy vape pen. Kate didn't find much noteworthy either. Along the same lines as the vape she found a full bottle of an energy drink. Both items surely aimed dubiously at the younger audience. Who won best find of the night?!? We'll have to find an external adjudicator!

More haste, less waste!

Whilst picking on one of the large grass verges at the top of Racecommon Road we were approached by a couple of people who had lost a key somewhere on the grass. We agreed to scour the area and let them know if we came across them. Sadly no lost items were located, just the usual bits of misplaced waste. After this area was clear the next and last area on the cards was the wasteland just a tad further along. Here we were graciously thanked by a walker who was impressed by our efforts. I gave them information about GoodGym and encouraged them to join us in future... always recruiting me!!!

After a good hour of picking and with bags-a-bulging we each searched out a bin to deposit our bits into before callingh it a day and heading back to stretch off. We were lacking the purple sacks (that you can leave next to bins to be picked up without it being logged as flytipping) tonight so had to fit all of the rubbish picked up into roadside bins.

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Kate Smith
Kate Smith signed up to a community mission.

Thu 27th Jul 2023 at 6:00pm

YMCA Gardening with Green Group at the Allotment

Do some work on a community allotment with other volunteers

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Kate Smith
Kate Smith signed up to a community mission.

Sat 11th Mar 2023 at 1:00pm

Muck-heap moving at Spitalfields City Farm!

Come and join the Farm team for this fun, physical task.

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John ShirleyJames Smith
Kate Smith
Kate Smith went on a group run

Wed 1st Mar 2023 at 6:30pm

The Stakes Were High

Barnsley Report written by James Smith

This Wednesday evening we ran up the all-uphill Dodworth Road to visit our favourite allotment and its illustrious owners from the YMCA.

When we rocked up at the allotment, Marvelous Mike and Awesome Andrea were waiting for us in their car on the road by the allotment. We managed to recognize each other through the darkness and both parties closed in for a meet and greet. It's great that the two of them took the time to come out and meet us this evening as they had to attend to other YMCA duties straight afterwards; their attendance is very much appreciated!

We talked about putting on some community missions at weekends which they are keen for, and even said that we could maybe have our own GG space in the allotment grounds to plant in and tend to. There will also be some fruit pressing and juice making sessions in summer which we can take part in. Yay! Being 'pressed' for time we decided to focus on the task at hand tonight.

Golden moldies!

We had a briefing on what was required from us. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, was to construct a leaf-mold holding area. To accomplish this we had to hammer 4 stakes into the ground to form a square and wrap chicken wire around the outside of them. This was easier said than done! The reason being that the poles/ stakes were very long and the enclosure only needed to be about 80 cm high, meaning the ~6 ft poles would need to be hammered in to approximately their half -way point. We first used a narrow stake-hole digging spade to excavate soil in order to give the vast stanchions a good foothold. Then one of us inserted the stake into the hole and held it in place at arms length about half way down the shaft to keep it straight whilst it was being bashed 'int ground. The other person used a fragmented sledge-hammer to bash away at the top of the pole to drive it into the earth. We took turns with the roles so everyone got a go at everything. The tops of the poles got quite damaged during the intense hammering session, but we managed to hammer them deep enough in. At times we even had to use logs and pallets to stand on to be able reach the top of the poles with a sufficient enough angle. We then packed the soil down around the base of the poles. When we had eventually finished this task, the next thing on the agenda was to wrap chicken wire around the outside of the poles to form an enclosure. The first roll we had managed to go around just 3 of the poles, but luckily there was another little bit of wire mesh in the lock-up that we used to fill the gap. This was again a great team effort with people holding, unfurling and securing the wire.

Leaf-mold area erected, it was time to pack up and set off on the run back. We locked up the container and got ready to set off back to town where there were some fitness activities for us to partake in!

Arriving back in town we found a quiet-ish area at the top of the Glasshouse car park. Here we did bodyweight circuits consisting of:

  • Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds
  • Squats - 15 repetitions
  • Push-ups - 10 repetitions
  • Lunges - 10 per leg
  • Planking - 30 seconds

Repeating these twice with a short break in between.

After this, we had a quick warm down, a full stretch off, then all went our separate ways.

Good work all!

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Olivia WallerJames Smith
Kate Smith
Kate Smith done a 6 month mission streak. 🎉

Saturday 4th February 2023

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt

Kate Smith done a 6 month mission streak.

Kate just completed a six month streak of doing missions. That’s so many bags of garden rubbish cleared and jobs done to help someone out and put a smile on their face. Give Kate a cheer to encourage them to keep up the good work.

Olivia WallerJames SmithJohn Shirley
