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Mon 6th Jun 2016 at 6:45pm

Tip Top Tidying at the Calabash Centre

We'll dig those weeds into submission!

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Jenny Greenwood
Jenny Greenwood went on a group run

Sat 5th Dec 2015 at 10:30am

A bank with a view...

Meanwhile on the Southbank bright and early, 14 GoodGymers kicked off their weekends off with nothing but good.

The task at hand? To help out Grounded EcoTherapy , a company that specialises in creating thriving green spaces from neglected urban environments. They currently look after the roof garden at Southbank so it was our job to get rid of leaves, do some weeding, some sweeping, some cleaning, some turning of soil and fill some giant bags up with soil so it could be used elsewhere on the site.

A wonderful meet and greet from myself and the lovely Madeline from SouthBank, a breakdown of how amazing GoodGym is, a health and safety briefing followed by a nice warm up incorporating the lovely steps and we were off.

A steady pace down to Southwark Bridge, some more work on those steps followed by some sprints up and down the bridge like kids, back down the steps and a niiiiiiiiiiice tempo run back to where Madeline was eagerly awaiting our arrival.

Strait up the steps and INNNNNNNNNN on the tasks with 30 mins on the clock.

Team 1 on sweeping and litter picking duty - CHECK Team 2 on leafing duty - CHECK Team 3 on shifting and lifting duty - CHECK.

All i will say is 30 mins flew by. All the soil was moved from the ground into giant bags for transport, all the rubbish and litter was placed strategically in litter bags and all those leaves that proved to be so elusive due to adverse weather conditions were finally trapped and taken to there new home.

A round of applause and genuine surprise from some who didn't think we could get all that done in such a short space of time.

Thank you all for coming out to play ;-)

Another amazing session... Roll on next week

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Simon Loughran