Removed User


Good Deeds

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Doing good since May 2017

Yule Log
Finding your feet
Mission Possible
Easy 10
High 5
Coach Runner
Mission accomplished
GoodGym Runner
Coach Intro
Coach Verified


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Latest activity
Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Tuesday 19th February 2019

Removed User
Removed User been spreading the winter warmth visiting their coach in December. 🥇

Wednesday 12th December 2018

Yule Log

Yule Log

Removed User been spreading the winter warmth visiting their coach in December.

Removed runs to visit an older person, we knew that. What's new is that they've persevered through the worst the weather can throw at them. For logging their visits during December they are awarded the yule log badge.

Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Wednesday 12th December 2018

Benjamin Annear
Removed User
Removed User completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Monday 3rd December 2018

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Removed User completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Removed has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Wednesday 28th November 2018

Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Wednesday 21st November 2018

Removed User
Removed User completed their first weekend mission. 🥇

Wednesday 14th November 2018

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Removed User completed their first weekend mission.

Removed has forgone the usual weekend routine. Instead of lie-ins, roasts and strolls around the park Removed has dropped everything to run a GoodGym mission for someone who needed help. Respect

Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Wednesday 14th November 2018

Removed User
Removed User visited their coach

Wednesday 21st March 2018

Removed User
Removed User visited the isolated older person that they're paired with 10 times now. 🥳

Wednesday 21st February 2018



Removed User visited the isolated older person that they're paired with 10 times now.

Removed has visited an isolated older person during their run 10 times now. It sounds like they've made friends. This is likely to have made a huge difference to the life of the older person. Isolation and loneliness are crippling for many; a friendly face visiting regularly can change someone's whole outlook on life.
