Sally Hutchinson


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Sally Hutchinson
Sally Hutchinson earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🥳

Thursday 3rd January 2019

Community Cape

Community Cape

Sally Hutchinson earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Sally completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Sally was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Debs SharpeVicky HearsonAidan Kettle
Sally Hutchinson
Sally Hutchinson has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🤩

Thursday 3rd January 2019

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Sally Hutchinson has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Sally is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Debs SharpeVicky HearsonAidan Kettle
Sally Hutchinson
Sally Hutchinson went on a community mission

Thu 3rd Jan 2019 at 5:00pm

Sand and Deliver

York Report written by York runner

On a bitterly cold Yorkshire evening, no less than 19 GG Yorkies turned up to help out at Age UK!

We were met by the awesome Sally, who came on our very first ever group run in York nearly two years ago. We had barely even looked at the task and Sally was telling us about all the snacks she had for us and offering us tea. We decided we had better do some sanding first.

Age UK is based in a very tall, building with multiple floors. There is a lot of banister, and as part of a renovation project, they needed all the banisters (including rails and columns) sanded down ready to be either varnished or painted.... at a later date, by us.

Fresh from her holidays, Legendary Leanne made the very sensible decision to start at the top because dust doesn't go up. The top was also where all the quality streets and vegan chocolate coins were stashed, along with 3kg bags of tea.

The sound of frantic sanding filled the air and the dust crept up on us. It wasn't until you left the room and came back in that you realised quite how dusty it was.

This is much better than my day at work - Maddy

Sally was busy dishing out water, encouraging us to eat chocolate and making lots of cups of tea to keep our dusty mouths hydrated.

I might ask if she'll made me dinner, I reckon she would - hungry Ben

Once bits of sanding had been completed, we used damp sponges (or really wet ones to drop on the people below us, sorry Deborah!) to wipe away the dust and we moved down to the next floor. The white painted banister on the middle floor made crazy white dust and turned everyone's hair (and clothes, and shoes) white.

I never thought I could be whiter than I already am! - Ellie B

Debs took on the enormous job of hoovering up and was doing a very thorough job, getting in all the corners and everything. She even managed to create a dusty GG logo on the carpet, hero.

One of our groups will be back at Age UK on Monday as part of our group run to do more stuff, you can sign up here!

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Debs SharpeVicky HearsonMitchAidan Kettle