0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Block or report Sumeyye Atmaca
Tuesday 30th April 2019
Sumeyye Atmaca has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Sumeyye is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Tue 30th Apr 2019 at 6:15pm
Cardiff Report written by Benjamin Annear
Tuesday evening run to the YMCA Colchester Avenue store
"GoodGym is so much fun, in fact it's the highlight of my week". I am sure many of you share similar views.
This week our GoodGym run was to help the YMCA store on Colchester Avenue, but before running there we had to do our warm up and headcount. The warm up consisted of walking on tip toes, walking on heels, doing lunges, swing our arms forwards and backwards and high knee skips. For the headcount we said our names and randomly decided to state our favourite flavour of soup. At this point we also welcomed Sumeyye and Jim to GoodGym - A HUGE WELCOME. They were both joining us for their FIRST EVER GoodGym run - We hope you both really enjoyed yourselves and that you'll come running with us again soon. We congratulated runners who did missions over the weekend and also Amy and Nathan who took part in the London Marathon (although he wasn't there in person to congratulate.
We ran to the task in 3 groups. (1) Adam led the speedy group (2) Welsh Dave led the sexy group (3) Ben led the group of walk runners
Welcome to the YMCA store on Colchester Avenue!
Matt greeted us with a warm welcome. He told us that the YMCA was soon to have an inspection and that he needed our help to get the place in order. We couldn't wait to get started.
We had so much fun doing the tasks. Lucy set runners a riddle to challenge their minds whilst undertaking the task. Here's the riddle:
There was a green house, inside the green house there was a white house, inside the white house there was a red house and inside the red house were lots of babies. What am I?
Think you can work out the riddle? Give it a shot! Comment below with your answer.
Thank you for helping out GoodGym
Matt, Tony and Babs thanked us all for running to help out at the store. Matt said the place looked great thanks to us and told us that in the summer a new store would be open in Cardiff and that we would also be welcome to help there too.
The current scores on the doors for the Tweet off - scores updated by Nathan Swain
Lucy won again and her lead is growing! Make sure you take part in the Tweet off next week and see if you be the first to retweet.