Tuesday 23rd April 2019
Report written by Liv Parker-Scott
The Brownies motto couldn't be more fitting as 13 GoodGymers ran to do their good turn for the day!
We kicked things off by talking about all the lovely things we did over the long bank holiday weekend before heading down to Walpole Park for some glute activation exercises. Lots of us runners have lazy glutes that like to sit back and let the rest of our muscles do all the work but tonight we woke them up before our run! Doing exercises like these can really help prevent injury so it's always good to fit a few in before you get going if you can!
Onto the task!
With 12 of us raring to go we created a chain and got the cupboard emptied in super quick time, unfortunately it was immediately obvious some furry friends had been having a great time in there and had left lots of little 'presents' for us! It was definitely a 'brownie' situation! We salvaged, washed and scrubbed everything we could save and said 'sayonara cupboard, hello tip' to a lot of stuff that had been nibbled or destroyed. We had an excellent team of washer uppers and sorters and all pulled together at the end to get everything back into the cupboard in a much more organised state!
A brilliant evening with lots of our members sharing fond memories of their Brownie and Scout days, we even found a guide from the year Claire would have been in the Brownies and photos of groups from the 70's.
We hear theres another cupboard with our name on it so we'll be back in the future to get stuck into that one too! Until then you can sign up for next week's run and task on the right of this page!
Fun, fresh air and fitness for young people