A lot(ment) of digging

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
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Saturday 29th April 2023

York runner


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Report written by York runner

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Four of us met Liz again at Manor to continue helping with their allotment area. We were joined by Liz’s neighbour Peter and a couple of students from the school as well.

I was set to work trimming back the bushes whilst Claire and Nick helped Peter to dig out and level where originally a pond had been dug. Alistair was helping Liz and the students around the back of the poly tunnel but joined in the digging fun later on.

The students brought out some drinks and snacks for us which were very welcome as the sun came out.

There was just time to help get some odd pieces of rubbish from the side of the shed moved around to the side of the school to join other various bits of unwanted furniture, etc to be dealt with at a later date. A possible “throw it all in the skip” mission perhaps?

After just over an hour we admired our work and the improvements we’d made to the allotment which is an ongoing project.

This task supported
Manor Cof E academy allotment
Getting the allotment back up and running

I am a teacher at the school and have chosen to get our neglected allotment back on track. I also an a voluntary officer for our school army cadets and the community link within the contingent. In the bigger picture I am wanting to promote recycling, upcycling and also the development students awareness of food, nutrition, well being, sustainability and create a place for students and staff to work, relax and learn.

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Helping the Groves Association tidy up the local streets
🗓Tomorrow 6:15pm

Improve the local area for residents

Cara OrganJames SandieCharlotte JonesJenna DruryJames Blanchard
9 GoodGymers are going