A tu-mulch-uous downpour

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
Fiona M
Laura Williams
Ed Long
John Shirley
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Tower Hamlets

Monday 24th April 2023

Laura Williams
Laura Williams




Ed Long
Ed Long


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Report written by Laura Williams

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At tonight’s big Monday night activity, we were back in Bethnal Green’s lovely Town Hall Hotel, enjoying this warm and welcoming environment before heading out to tonight’s task.

The schedule consisted of a short workout, Strength Training for Cyclists, to celebrate GoodGym’s new partnership with Raleigh, followed by a 1.6-mile run down to Columbia Road for a big woodchip-shifting session.

The workout

GoodGymers were fantastically pragmatic about heading out into the rain for tonight’s workout. Making our way to Peel Grove, the runners ran through a few speedy moves, to support cycling efforts (and general fitness). Side lunges, back extensions, standing oblique exercises were all completed, along with a little bit of cycling/strength rationale. We agreed to return to this useful content in another session (on a slightly drier evening).

We headed out via Hackney Road to our task, arriving shortly after 7 to meet task owners Ed, Dunc and Dan, who were patiently waiting in the entrance of Sivill House, trying to shield from the wind and heavy rain.

The task

We were here tonight joining these Columbia TRA (Tenants and Residents Association) members.

The group aim to enhance these estate’s green spaces, growing edible produce; helping to ensure the continued safe habitat for insects and other wildlife, and generally tending to the gardens, to make them as appealing to all residents as possible. As well as enjoying a bit of gardening themselves.

In delightful conditions, the team proceeded to start moving 4 tonnes of woodchip around to the side garden, laying it around young trees, borders and on top of the new irrigation hose supporting the garden.

I think it’s safe to say this was an effective task if you were after a workout. Shovelling woodchip into barrows, wheeling (and for some, running while wheeling) barrow after barrow around to the nearby garden almost kept us warm.

Teams were divided into woodchip shovelling; wheeling and tipping, and spreading.

The teams worked solidly for an hour, well guided by Ed, Dunc and Dan.

It was a fun time in the gardens, despite the rain and wind. And really good to be with the TRA, who explained what we were doing, and why, and inviting us to join their Sunday gardening sessions.

At shortly after 8, we collected up the last shovel, lined up wheelbarrows for safe return to the tool lock-up, and proceeded to crouch in the newly-distributed woodchip, posing for one final picture.

Heading our separate ways, Johnny navigated us back to the Hotel, via a quieter, more picturesque route, headed up by Aidan and Sean.

What a night. No mean feat in that weather. Well done everyone, especially to Ed, for arranging and leading a great task, some lovely pics - and for coming up with tonight's top pun.

Until next time.

This task supported
Columbia Tenants and Residents Association
Community gardening in estates neighbouring Columbia Road, East London

‘Columbia TRA work to provide ways for more residents to grow on our estates; to improve environmental awareness and sustainability; to get outdoors and make new friends in our community.’ ‘With so many of us not having a garden of our own, getting in touch with nature is more precious than ever. We want to make Columbia Road bloom seven days a week, not just on Sundays!’

See more

Discuss this report

Tue 25th Apr 2023 at 9:29pm

Amazing work everyone. 👍🚀🔥😍

Ivo (he/him)

Tue 25th Apr 2023 at 9:46pm

Brilliant task!

Join us on our next session

Tower Hamlets

The Felix Project Poplar: Saturday morning volunteering session
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

Come and be a part of the early bird shift at this sociable task!

RhiaGemma PatersonLobo
3 GoodGymers are going