Tuesday 28th March 2023
Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)
It was still daylight! We met in daylight and tasked in daylight - Spring is here!
It was a longer run out today but nice and flat along the river and we were meeting up with Erin who showed us the wildlife wilderness/wasteland cliff face at the back of St Anne's House.
Our main tasks were to free the tree and reveal the wall which Erin promised was there. Lots of brambles, moss, nettles and mini sycamore trees were trying to take over the space and fortunately we had lots of chopping and cutting tools and Lucas who discovered how useful discarded laminated or plasticated notices are as grabbers for brambly clumps of sticks and stuff - welcome to GoodGym and a belated welcome to Bristol from Brazil, two years ago!
Big piles of brambles, weeds, nettles and other weeds were made and the wall and tree looked lovely. Erin, the task owner, was suitably impressed and has asked us back sometime soon. We were soon talking all things worm (w-air-m in Scouse) and have started our improving our language skills in Brazilian Portuguese with minhoca (a cross between Menorca and pinata to my untrained ear) which absolutely isn't Lucas's new nickname.
We were saying a temporary goodbye to Sarah K as she heads off to Canada for three months and Russ has one more Tuesday before he heads off on his travels.
St. Anne's House is run by the charity organisation Bricks. Home to artists, designers, makers, organisations, well-being, fitness classes, music labels, and theatre producers, we as a community bring people together to share their vision for future growth. Grounded in community connection you can find social groups, meet-ups, workshops, talks, exhibitions, and events happening regularly with the focus on engaging and starting conversations.
See moreWed 29th Mar 2023 at 8:34am
Nice pun 😊