Creepy Canal Capers!

18 Goodgymers helped their local community in Birmingham
Abbie Wilson-Neal
Annie Smith
Tin Ping Kan, Ken
Dionne Donnelly
David Thompson
David Halford
Laura Smith
Paige Bradley
Sally Robinson
Sam Hazell
Jonny Carter
Andrew Tromans
Simon Christopher
Aidan Wheeler
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Tuesday 31st October 2017

Jonny Carter
Jonny Carter


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Report written by Jonny Carter

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18 people ran 5k to do a litter pick on the canal

We met in our usual spot in 1000 Trades, the lights suitably dimmed to give us a slight Halloween feel. We had four GG Newbie’s which we were delighted to welcome, they were Sally, David, Julien and Lola. Please give them a cheer. Once we found our litter picking equipment, (maybe a ghost or ghoul had moved it!!) we went down to the aptly dark and rather spooky canal to do our litter pick. Once on the canal we split up into four groups, each group clearing a different section of the canal towpath.


We all met up with our bags at Aston Lock, were Ken did a great job of taking the group selfie. Once all that was done we headed back. We stopped under Snow Hill Station where there is a little more light to do some high intensity work. It started with press ups on the lock gate, followed by a sprint to the steps, then a sprint back to the lock gate were the grouped smashed out some reverse dips, giving those triceps a good pasting! Top work by Aaron and Dionne with those dips. This was then followed by some high knees running, squat jumps, straight leg kicks and tuck jumps. Everyone doing a great job. Ken showed great form with the squat jumps. Annie got the knees right up in the tuck jumps and Paige put in some great work with the straight leg kicks.

A staggered wall squat?!

The final part of the session was the whole group getting into a line to do a wall squat, with the person at the far left having the least time to hold the wall squat and then the person at the far right having the most amount of ‘wall squat holding to do’. When I in turn told each person to ‘go’ they then had to do one last sprint to the stairs! Most of the group understandably looked like they were running through quicksand after that, as even the first in line had to hold for 30 seconds before they sprinted. Well done to Garry and Sam (the last two) who held the wall squat for 2 mins 35 seconds and 2 mins 45 seconds respectively and yes you both definately looked like you had pooped yourselves when you did your sprints!!!

So that was that, the group then had a steady run back to base, well done to everyone, you all deserve a few Halloween treats after that!

Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

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🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

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