Cutting it fine or finely cutting it?!

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Windsor and Maidenhead
Jess Smith
Diya Singh
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Windsor and Maidenhead

Friday 21st February

Jess Smith
Jess Smith


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Report written by Jess Smith

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8 Goodgymmers met at the community centre to cut out flight related items! We were just winging it really!

We had a lovely chatty time, cutting and stenciling everything from planes to dragons and fairies to spots for ladybirds!

It was all in aid of Maidenhead's Big Read and was for the children's activities.

This task supported
Maidenhead's Big Read
Inspiring, enthusing & entertaining through literature and the arts.

Our aim is to encourage adults and children from all backgrounds to read more, own books and visit their local library. We believe there is truly no greater pleasure in life than curling up in a big armchair and getting lost in a good book, magazine or comic. Maidenhead's second Maidenhead's Big Read runs from the 28th of February to the 8th of March, coinciding with World Book Day.

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Amy L GoodGym
Amy L GoodGym (she/her)

Sat 22nd Feb at 12:13pm

Excellent! So sorry I couldn’t join you all in the end. Love the report title 👏

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