Monday 24th January 2022
Report written by Peter Van Tongeren
As part of our ongoing connection with the lovely 'St Peters in the Forest' church we headed over tonight to help clear weeds & ivy off some graves, so they can be identified if possible.
Welcoming Tony from the Waltham Forest team at our little base in Wanstead we packed some additional lights and set off on the run to St Peters, chasing down Sharon who set off before us.
At the church, James & John set to clearing up a large pile of weeds & ivy & brambles already cleared by others, while Julia took charge leading the rest into clearing more graves, discovering some very interesting grave stones along the way.
Time flew by clearing & chatting, before we knew it was time to round off, pack away tools and make our way back to base. Only a section done, so we'll be back another evening!
Next week we are meeting at Hainault station, please do sign up here to join Julia for a new adventure in that corner of Redbridge!
Will give you that little spring in your step;)