Doubled up in rain

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Warwick & Leamington Spa
Allan Mansfield
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Warwick & Leamington Spa

Saturday 18th June 2022






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Report written by Katherine (she/her)

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3 Goodgymers started the weekend with some Parkrun volunteering coupled with completing the 5k run that is weekly Parkrun.

Nigel and Katherine started early at Warwick Racecourse Parkrun arriving at 8:15am ready for pre-event set-up. This involved setting up the start/finish ropes, putting up various signs warning other course users of runners and providing arrows to guide runners, as well as setting out the all important turning point at the correct position so that all runners complete the correct 5km distance.

With everything sorted, runners were waiting with trepidation as the skies became darker and just as the race director started his briefing, the heavens opened so everyone took over under the big tree near the start, before admitting defeat and heading to the start line with rather soggy feet to start the event.

Meanwhile, just 4 miles down the road in Leamington, Allan was also getting rather soggy whilst waiting for and taking part in Leamington Spa Parkrun around Newbold Comyn. Allan's volunteering however took part at the end of the run as he was on post event close down, meaning he had to hang around whilst rather damp (and no doubt getting cold) at the end after multiple bouts of rain throughout the event to help with packing away all the signs and cones. Has he mastered the origami challenge of getting the Leamington Spa Parkrun sign back in the bag yet?!

Can you spot the difference between the before and after photos?!

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Warwick & Leamington Spa

Promotional literature distribution - Guide Dogs (Route 8)
🗓Tomorrow 12:00pm

GoodGymers help will enable us to raise awareness of this wonderful role and encourage more, much needed applications from people who would like to volunteer with Guide Dogs and our amazing guide dog mums.