Tuesday 8th September 2020
Report written by Bournemouth runner
Apologies for the delay in getting this report out there....but for whatever reason it wouldn't let me upload our amazing photos! Fixed it though!
We love helping out Paul and it was no different this time around. Paul had lots of tools ready for us and we got straight into it by clearing the area of playground equipment....some a little phallic...
The mission was to dig a layer of dirt out to then allow some antiweed carpet to be put down which would then be followed by a layer of wood chip.
There was a lot of shoveling but a lot of digging too to loosen up the very firm ground...there was a lot of chatting going on....especially on the section where Ashok, the lovely, new to GG Bournemouth, Maria and myself....but we did manage to keep working as the photos show!
Caprice, Leah, Nicola and Hannah were a little more balanced in their work to chat ratio and that was perfectly ok too!
In the end we ran out of time and to make up for it we have booked ourselves in with Paul again for next week Wednesday. Lots of tools available and it's outdoors and volunteer work so will be ok under the new government guidelines so come along!!
Well done everyone!!
Help keep the compost in one area so its not spread all over the park