Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Report written by Bournemouth runner
Six Goodgymmers, Emma, Sophie, James, Daryl, Keith and Lea, turned up at the Dorset Children’s Foundation hub to help Patsy with some chores that would take a lot longer for her on her own! Recycled ceiling panels, dustier than dusty, had to be swept with a brush, a task taken on lefthanded by Lea, then taken to the painting team, consisting of Sophie, Emma and James. What about Keith and Daryl though?! Well, a kitchen that was covered in dust, because of work done in the building, was waiting to be cleaned from ceiling to floor. When Lea returned from the DCF charity shop with some jigsaws that had to be counted (yikes, 1000 pieces?!, and some smaller ones) Lea set to counting to 1000, later on joined by Keith and Daryl who took the smaller jigsaws. When the floor was covered with the ceiling panels, having turned from a dusty grey into beautiful black, the kitchen sparkling clean, and the jigsaws counted, we called it a day! With Patsy, as ever, very grateful again for all our hard work. And Chloe very happy indeed with a few more jigsaws counted! Hopefully there will be a next episode soon.
Good fun with good friends