Tuesday 28th January 2020
Report written by York runner
Four of us GG Yorkies returned to Brunswick Organic Nursery for another round of log stacking. We waited for the rain to subside but it didn't so we went out and got started anyway (being the hardy souls that we are).
First we had to remove some of the last logs from the store into net bags before we could start to stack the new logs. Working in pairs, we started to pass across the new logs to our partner (Egg and Lucy, me and John) before realising that the cage had wheels and we could move it closer! As we got down the pile in the cage, it became harder to reach in to retrieve the logs so Lucy bravely offered to get into the cage so she could pass them, double quick, into our waiting hands. After about half an hour we had all the logs neatly stacked (well we though so anyway) and we were rewarded with a hot drink indoors in the warm and out of the rain.
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