Monday 5th November 2018
Report written by Mark Barun
Remember Remember the 5th of November!
And remember it we will! A strangely mild November evening saw 16 of us gather in Wholefoods where we welcomed newcomers...Jane, Chris, and Georgia to the group. After talk of races and new badges! (sooo exciting!)
We warmed up and got going on our 8.6km run. Our route took us up Richmond Hill and into Richmond Park, which was as black as night except for the promising little lights on our head dancing and bobbing in the dark, all we had were a few fireworks to light the evening and our path. Once out of the park and at Ham Gate we were greeted by Ken the task owner and given instructions to make a woodchip path in the Latchmere Brook area!
We gathered spades, shovels (which are bigger than spades you know) , a rake and we 'rolled out the (wheel) barrells and got to work. We had a great production line going and took it in turns with each of the tools. We made light work of the large and weirdly warm pile of woodchips that gave off almost a mulled wine aroma.....mmmmmm.
The night's finale was a gift of sparklers from Ken , so we were transported to our childhood trying to sign our names (and 'GG') in the air. Thank you Ken! What a Hamtastic night!
After a great team effort and getting into the spirit of bonfire night we headed back to Wholefoods, our headtorches keeping time with our running stride as we headed back along the edge of the thames.
We arrived safely back to congratulate the new runners once again and Gemma on her second run not to forget Kudos to Imogen for back marking so well.
Next week is 10km (the furthest we run) to Whitton Youth Zone. Do remember that there will be a backmarker so you will not be left behind no matter how slow you think you might run. Also you can always leave the task a little earlier to get a head start on the return journey.
See you next week
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