Saturday 25th March 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by York runner
We met Liz, one of the teachers, on a damp Saturday afternoon at Manor CE Academy (very conveniently only 1km from home) to help tidy up their allotment area.
It was lovely to have visiting GoodGymer Pippafrom Hounslow joining us today - sorry about the rain! 🌧️
Nick started weeding and tidying the herb garden (which mostly involved moving old car tyres) whilst the rest of us started clearing the weeds from around the base of the raised beds.
With most of the weeding done, Liz asked us if we could construct another compost heap using wooden pallets and various planks of wood. Although destruction is probably our favourite task, we like the challenge of a bit of construction occasionally and soon we were all gathering materials (including a couple of breeze blocks) for our construction.
Being told
use whatever you want
was music to our ears! Soon we had created a fine structure, reinforced at the side with a concrete hedgehog ornament! 🦔
A great job which will help transform this area into a really useful resource for the school and local community.
I am a teacher at the school and have chosen to get our neglected allotment back on track. I also an a voluntary officer for our school army cadets and the community link within the contingent. In the bigger picture I am wanting to promote recycling, upcycling and also the development students awareness of food, nutrition, well being, sustainability and create a place for students and staff to work, relax and learn.
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