Moving manure in spades

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Katie H
Ian Gostling
Ellie Hopkins
Nat Gabrielle
Helena Waters
Kate Mclaughlin
Rosanna Amour
Sam Lefevre
Richard Lea
Flo Wratten
Reece Price
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Wednesday 2nd October 2019

Ian Gostling
Ian Gostling


Helena Waters
Helena Waters


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Ian Gostling

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Southwark News

Wall of Honour

  • High Five to Tara for completing her first run with us!
  • Big Shout to Allie for running tonights session with a 15kg backpack! Ready for her Rhino suited Half Marathon next week!!
  • Show it off! This weeks Champions are Sam for completing his first Half Marathon in under 2 hours! and Helena & Ed who ran the WINE drinking Marathon Du Medoc last month! Thirsty work!

Let’s have a Recap

Last night 15 runners ran 6km in total to the beautiful Bell House Gardens, home to a magnificent Grade II Listed building, and charity offering educational needs such as dyslexia support.

It was a dry night (after 2 heavy days of rain!) but with a slight temperature drop, conversations once again debated how many and which layers to wear for the evening!? We jumped through a brisk warm up passing the first test of names and numbers (always a tricky one!) and headed on a straightforward route up Barry Road and through the peacefully dark Dulwich Park. Managing to not get locked in and with Helena back-marking we arrived to meet Graham in the Bell House tool shed.

The daylight was well gone, but fear not we came prepared! With head torches and garden lamps we got to work on our first task - moving over 20 large bags of manure! Despite the smells and varying weights a chain was formed to deposit the bags into the compost heap at the back of the garden, with thankfully few mishaps!

Reece & Richard gave some man power to a tired lawn mower and helped move the heavy machine from the bottom of the garden back into the shed! And although we faced a challenge in the dark, we were able to illuminate the back of the garden so that the final task could be completed in true GoodGym style, turning over soil and digging out weeds working in an organised team being careful not get a stab in the dark! Much to Graham's surprise ALL 3 tasks were completed within 25 minutes, so we bid goodbye to the garden until Spring!

Leading the way home Richard navigated us along Woodwarde Road, sharing a few jokes along the way! And back up the hill towards the library. After adding in some loops backs and extra sprints for the front runners we all arrived together for a final stretch and appreciation for Allie's Rhin-ormous effort!

FACT OF THE DAY A Black Rhino’s skin can be up to 5cm thick! - No wonder those costumes are so heavy!

Next week we will be running 6km overall to our friends at Salvation Army in Camberwell. There will be plenty to get stuck into helping clear up after their recent building work! Sign up here

Dom T will be taking the ropes next week. Any queries, please get in touch at

See you soon! Chin Up!

This task supported
Bell House
Bell House is an educational centre that offers support outside the mainstream school curriculum

Bell House is an educational centre that offers support outside the mainstream school curriculum, lifelong learning, short courses, exhibitions, talks and musical events.

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Sorting & Stocking @ Borough Food Cooperative
🗓Tomorrow 12:30pm

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

MelissaIldiko Kolozsi
3 GoodGymers are going - 1 space left! 👀