Saturday 3rd June 2023
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Report written by Genevieve Moss
Loooong cycle to Feltham to see a lovely lady J and her very kind daughter K. Cycle made better for seeing this foal snoozing near her mum 🥲. Cycle made worse for loss of water bottle as my wheels tackled the worst of Ealing’s potholed roads. I shall have to launch a litter-pick to recover said bottle…
Arrived. Panting. The robin’s home and the importance of not blocking the entrance were pointed out to me - he must be able to feed his young 🐥
Many different kinds of refreshment were offered. Politely declined the beer (thanks though K!) 🍺
Thomas Harry’s Far from the Madding Crowd rattled away on my earphones as I tugged at weeds and brambles in the flowerbeds and lawn.
I may have had to take a photo of a plant and send it to my mum for her to confirm it was indeed a weed (gone-over bluebell) and could be plucked.
Otherwise, all passed without a hitch. Filled a big brown wheelie bin of garden waste ☑️
Oh! And the lovely K donated me an unused water bottle for the cycle home 🙏
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