Not a Bad(dow) paint job

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Chelmsford
James Connolly
Laurie Chatterjee
Rachel McK
David Chatterjee
James Gallifant
Jenny King
Catherine Offord
Adam Hellard
Paul Fisk
Joseph Sahin
Andy Holmes
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Wednesday 15th May 2019

Laurie Chatterjee
Laurie Chatterjee


David Chatterjee
David Chatterjee


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Report written by David Chatterjee

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15 runners ran 11km to Kids Inspire to paint their new training room

With my return to Goodgym after a 2-week break, I decided to bring some nice weather with me. The task tonight came with one of our longer runs, but the weather and a jolly bunch of Goodgymers would make the time pass quickly. Bumping into Anton after the first 200 metres, we jogged on to meet the McKeown's at one of our usual haunts, InterAct. Tonight, that wasn't even halfway! We headed off up towards Baddow and it was starting to get tough - thankfully Andy knew a sneaky back route that shaved off about half a kilometer. We arrived slightly sweatier than when we left, but we were eager to help.

Louise welcomed us and showed us their new premises! Gigantic! We had helped Kids Inspire prior to Christmas at their old premises and they had only moved in last week. The new offices certainly are an upgrade! We went upstairs to what will become the training room, previously a bright orange colour, but now well on the way to becoming a lovely pebble colour. We all got stuck in painting, with Paul managing to get more on himself than on the walls. Sorry again that we left a bit late - everyone was enjoying themselves and I was having a tour! There is lots for Kids Inspire to do at this new building, and it is a great charity so we are more than happy to come back and help, even if it is a longer run.

With legs slightly heavier than when we set off, we headed back to base. The run back was slightly downhill which helped, however it was a long one, so don't forget to rest up, particularly if you're one of those doing the Baddow 10 mile this weekend. I'll see you there if you are.
Well done to everyone who came this evening, but particularly to Catherine, Andy, Julie and Joseph who undertook their longest ever runs this evening! Absolutely cracking work.

The next social is going to be the pub quiz on Thursday 30th May. The quiz doesn't start until 8/8:30ish so any suggestions for potential dinner venues for a quick bite, let us know! The Golden Fleece does also do food as a back-up.

See you next week!

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Leaflet Drop!
🗓Wednesday 12th March 6:30pm

Letting the local community know about initiatives in their area

Sallyann JeffreyFay DowningOsaze OmoanreghanAndy Holmes
4 GoodGymers are going