Wednesday 7th October 2020
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Report written by York runner
The 3 of us met at Brunswick in the sunshine. We were met by Mike who showed us what to do, namely digging compost out of one of their very large compost containers and putting it around the bases of some fruit trees. Fortunately, we were digging out of the compost container next to the one we'd dug out before (which had lots of woodlice) and we didn't see woodlice today. We soon had a good system where 1 of us shovelled the compost and the other 2 were wheelbarrowing and distributing the compost around the fruit trees. After just over an hour we had covered the bases of 5 of the fruit trees, about 50 barrow loads in total. Mike was very grateful for our help as the compost needs to be cleared out for a large delivery of manure (don't fancy shovelling that!).
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