Tuesday 14th March 2023
Report written by Kash
Last week's group run in Walpole Park enriched us with some wisdom: woodchip is a rare, valuable resource that can be hiding behind iron bars. Today we came prepared with our revised plan of how to get to the heap of that treasure just outside the park gate - to be precise, the closed gate. We needed the fresh woodchip to spread on the paths in the walled garden that we cleared of the old woodchip a week before.
We met outside Bodyline and retraced our run and walk from last week. Lionel, on the roll after the last Saturday comeback, cycled to the start location and was ready for a run. Raj, Sevan and Kash warmed up by running to the start point and also opted for the run. The group of four looped around Walpole and Lammas Parks. Jenni and Ben chose to walk and did a loop around Walpole Park to meet Mike at the secret tool store.
It took us a while to pass the security systems only to trigger the alarm. Uh oh! The team quickly secured the wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes and took an escape route. Kash stayed behind to call ~~their lawyer~~ park's security team. Thanks to our proactive Taskforce, the group knew the action plan and right away set off to collect the woodchip outside the park. Yes, we walked with the wheelbarrows out of the park and then around the fence to get to the woodchip gold. It was not the most efficient way - but it was a good arm workout and an additional brisk walk. That's what GoodGym is about, isn't it?
Eight barrows of woodchip that we imported from outside the park were enough to cover the two paths between the vegetable beds in the walled garden. We finished just about time - it started to rain and the temperature dropped. Guess what happened when we returned to the tool store to put back the tools? The alarm went off again and we couldn't disarm it. We disappeared from the crime scene and hid in a pub - we cannot reveal which one as Walpole Park's Department of Defence must be on our case!
Today's pun has been supplied by Mike.
Supporting active communities and being part of a gresat vibe!