Wednesday 4th July 2018
Report written by Paul Bown
21 GoodGymers ran between 3-8km to help St Mary's & leaflet for Queens Crescent Community Association & KTCF
Thanks for coming along on another hot summer evening. It's always one of my favourite times of the week doing good with you guys :)
In the news this week:
Task One - Leafletting for QCCA & KTCF:
Chris and Pritesh led a team of 10 to leaflet for the Queens Crescent Community Association's Summer Party on the 21st July (there is a mission to help them setup - sign up here) and Kentish Town City Farm's community projects, which include many summer events for older isolated people in the area.
600 leaflets!
With over 600 leaflets to distribute the group did a brilliant job of covering 8km and coming home empty handed! Nice!
Task Two - Compost Run for St Mary's
To continue on from last week our first task was to collect ten bags of compost from the Eco Compost Plot at Alara. Unfortunately we were not able to access shovels so the team became inventive with using bin bags as gloves, using plastic containers to shovel it into their bags and well using Rosie's pair of gloves.
Our next task was to the run the rather warm compost through the streets of Camden (and a churchyard) to St Mary's Flats. This 1km trip was hard work with the warm weather and warm load but we got it done. I wonder what people thought those 10 runners in red t-shirts running with black bin bags were carrying.....
Jon from St Mary's Flats was very grateful for us bringing so much with us. We split into teams getting the following tasks done:
Sadly a baby bird had fallen from it's nest over the last week so Hanry and Liz buried it in our re-soiled plot. RIP.
Wow - lots done! Good work guys, Jon was very pleased with our efforts. We finished the evening with x4 strides to activate our muscles nice!
Sign up here for next week when we have the classic combo of Abbey and Cecil Sharp.
PB out.
Lismore Circus (near Camden's Gospel Oak) is a wonderful gem of hidden green > we'll be helping the local community care for this space :)